Before The End

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I am truly sorry for taking this long to post this update. I have been busy with what real life had to offer. It kicked my ass. But I decided to kick back. And my youngest had been sick for the last three days so yeah, I have been busy, to say the least. When I posted the last chapter, a week ago, I already envisioned the ending to the story. It was clear cut and within my reach. However, when I started writing, this chapter sort of took a life of its own. And soon, I was looking at the word count as it slowly climbed up and I was nowhere close to the ending. So, as any sensible human being would do, I decided to split this ending into two chapter. Yeah. I thought the same. Will there ever be any ending to this story? Trust me, we are close. Very close. Anyways, without further ado, here's the beginning of the end.

Warning: Strong, suggestive and sexual language used. Thank you!


Richard got woken up out of his daydream when he felt Maine caress his face to get his attention. He blinked and looked around him to reorient himself. He wasn't sure how long he was staring into space. Last thing he remembered was the defeating applause that greeted his wife when Maine came down from the stage after her speech. He noticed that the dance floor has now been opened for the rest of the night. The guests were all milling about, some heading to the dance floor, some heading to the bathroom and others heading to the bar.

"I'm sorry love, did you say something?" Richard turned to ask his wife.

"What's going on in that head of yours Mr. Faulkerson?" Maine answered.

"I'm just thinking of you, of us, on our wedding day."

"Well that's perfect then because I just asked if you would like to dance?" Maine replied playfully.

"If my wife asked me to dance, who am I to refuse?"

"Oh my! Are you flirting with me Mr. Faulkerson?"

"Is it working, Mrs. Faulkerson?"

"Hhhmmm. I'll let you know after you take me for a dance."

Richard extended his hand towards his ever so pregnant wife to help her up from her chair. When Maine was finally able to stand up, hand in hand, the husband and wife headed to the dance floor. Bruno Mars's 24K Magic was blasting on the stereo and the dance floor was starting to fill up with people. They all started moving and grooving to the music, enjoying the night and the people around them.

In the middle of their dance, Richard noticed Maine, more than once, grab a hold of her belly and pause for a few seconds. At first, Richard thought it was just because she was feeling their baby kicking, but after the second time, he noticed that she would close her eyes, remain still and take deep breaths. But, funny this was, she didn't say anything. She would continue on dancing after each incident but the strain and, dare he say pain, on her face was visible.

"Love? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm good. Thank you" Maine answered, a little breathless.

"Do you want to sit down?"

"Well, yes. No! I mean no. Oh heck, I don't know" Maine mumbled.

"Maybe we should head on upstairs to our room so you can put your feet up." Richard worriedly suggested.

"I'm okay love. No need to worry. But it would be nice to just take this shoes off. My feet looks like they're about to explode" Maine stated looking down at her red heels encased feet.

"They look fine to me" Richard mumbled back.

"Are you really still flirting with me, Mr. Faulkerson?" Maine asked with a coquettish blink of her eyes.

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