Deal with the Devil

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Strong and suggestive language used herein. Please be warned.


Richard Faulkerson Jr. waited for the knock on the door but after 5 minutes and nothing happened, he got impatient. He's got stuff to do and places to be for crying out loud! He could see the shadow right outside the door but why is she not knocking or coming in. Dammit! So he decided to go open the door instead. He had a few choice words for this woman but when he pulled the door open he was rendered speechless. His train of thought lost! Because standing in front of him was an angel incarnate. He didn't realize he was staring until he noticed her starting to fidget and a blush appearing on her cheeks. So to cover up for his ineptitude, he roughly asked.

"Miss Maine Mendoza? Nicomaine Mendoza?"

"Yes? Yes. *clears throat* Yes, that's me" she answered.

"Well? Do you want us to proceed with the interview or are we just going to stand here and stare at each other" he asked irritably.

Well fuck you too, asshole! "Yes of course. Let's proceed with the interview" Maine responded, a little offended and gaining more confidence this time using her anger as justification.

"Let's get this over with then, shall we?" He said as he stepped aside and gestured for her to enter.

Maine lifted her chin up and walked past the poor excuse of a man. Wow! Such manners. His face does not go well with his manners. My god! He definitely has the face of a man that just stepped out of a GQ magazine. Eyes the color of molten chocolate framed by dark eyebrows, lips shaped for kissing (whoa! where did that thought come from), and perfectly chiseled jaw. Although his nose is a little bit too big and his complexion comparable to someone who hasn't seen the brightness of the sun. She reached the other side of the massive office table and just stood by one of the two chairs facing the desk.

Richard followed Maine close behind and his eyes couldn't help but stray to the voluptuos ass that is right in front of him. Shit! That ass is perfect for grabbing! Whoa, I have been fuckin celibate for far too long. Damn! Truthfully, when he read her resume last night, he pictured a matronly looking spinster in his head. With all the listed accomplishments , she truly wasn't what he expected.

"Please take a seat" he commanded roughly before he totally lost his self control and just grab that ass.

"Thank you" Maine answered curtly before sitting down on one of the most comfortable chairs she's ever sat on. She waited for the asswipe to sit down in front of her, following his every move with her eyes. He opened a folder in front of him, started twirling a pen in his left hand and quietly read the sheet in front of him. And when he seemed satisfied with what he saw, he lifted his head up and looked at her with a piercing stare.

"So, like I mentioned last night, your resume is very impressive. You worked at Children's Hospital in Los Angeles for the last five years. Am I correct?"

Maine was so tempted to answer yes, that's what my resume said didn't it but she opted for answering "yes, that's correct" instead.

"Why did you come back home?"

Well that is the question isn't it, you asshole! Why did I come back home? I came home because of what you did! You sit there acting like you're God's gift to women and you don't even know that you are the cause of my sister's death. Or do you?

"I came home because of a family emergency" she answered loudly, never taking her eyes off of him.

"Oh okay. So do you have much experience with children diagnosed with Gaucher Disease?"

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