External Combustion

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Well here y'all go. With all that sexual tension from the last chapter, we all know where we will end up, right? Cause if you didn't then you shouldn't be here then! :). Anyway, have fun!

Warning: Rated 18A for the strong, suggestive and sexual language used. Thank you! 


"Hey you with the red dress on. I gotta find a way to take it off..." Richard clearly stated coupled with a look of such intensity that for a minute, Maine was afraid. Oh she wasn't afraid that he'll hurt her but she was afraid of what she would let him do to her. Let's face it, 38 days of no contact and the alcohol in both their system is a volatile combination.

Richard leisurely looked Maine up and down while he slowly undid his bow tie. He wasn't at liberty earlier to just look, but now, when Maine opened that door to let him in, all bets were off. She had pretty much given him all the permission he needed. He passed his eyes once more at the woman in red in front of him. He made sure he lingered on her barely covered breasts and he was sure that he could see the tightening of her nipples in response to his stare as his cock hardened in tandem.

Maine's breathing started to get erratic and she attempted to cover that part of her. She quickly crossed her arms on top of her breasts but she had to put her hands down just as quickly when she heard this animalistic growl come from the man in front of her.

"Do not ever attempt to cover yourself again! Not tonight, Maine! Not tonight!" Richard grumbled while taking a step forward.

Maine instantly moved a step back when she saw Richard move forward. She couldn't help it! Her body responded without her knowledge. Clearly Richard was issuing a challenge and she never backs down from a challenge but there's just something about the way he looks; all primitive, that is making her rethink her decision to let him in into her apartment.

Maine's apartment is just the size of Richard's bedroom so there really wasn't much space to begin with. But with Richard all primed and ready to go, the space seemed to have gotten way smaller. Maine looked around her to see if she can run and hide somewhere but nope! He pretty much blocked all her escape routes. So she had no choice but to keep backing up while Richard kept moving forward.

"You have nowhere to go, love. You'll have to go through me" Richard stated low reading the intention on Maine's movements. He deliberately took slow forward steps while unbuttoning his shirt, making sure Maine knows his intention. Probably giving her some time to change her mind as well.

But Maine stood her ground. Well, so to speak. She didn't back away anymore. Instead she stood right where she was, watching his fingers as it moved to undo the buttons on his shirt. Once the shirt was fully open, Richard took it off so quickly and threw it away from him as if it was something so offensive. Maine swallowed numerous times to ease her all too sudden parched throat. She couldn't seem to take her eyes away from his bare torso, her hands itching to touch him, her eyes watering from the barely contained effort. And the asshole just stood there. He can clearly see her struggles but he just stood there! His hands on his sides, watching her watching him. Oh fuck it!

Maine moved forward. Her tentative steps swallowing the distance between them. Once she was standing a breath away, she reached out her right hand and placed in on Richard's left chest. Feeling for his thundering heartbeat, belying the fact that he looked unaffected. They stayed like that for a minute, the only connection was her hand on his chest, but the tension between them quadrupled (if that's even possible). Both their breathing coming out in spurts, and their thundering heartbeats echoing each other's while their eyes dilated at the same time.

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