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Another update y'all! Because I love y'all and I would like to make up for the long lack of updates. Read on!

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


There was a tension filled  silence after Dr. Ong closed the door to Maine's room. Richard was standing at the foot of the bed looking at Maine with a puzzled expression on his face. Maine was looking at everything else except at the man on the foot of her bed. Maybe a good two minutes passed before Richard spoke.


"Yes?" Maine answered still unable to look at Richard in the eye. Her hands were busy fiddling with the edge of her sheets.

"Look at me, please."

It took Maine a minute before she could finally look up. Truthfully, what would be the point of avoiding the issue. If she was pregnant, she might reconsider telling him but right now, it's all just mere speculations. Her speculations. So until she really confirms that she is pregnant, they might as well talk about the possibility out in the open. It is their child after all, IF, that is a big if, she's pregnant.

"Maine?"  Richard asked one more time.

This time, after a deep resigned sigh, she looked up to meet the perplexed expression on Richard's eyes.

"Hhhhmmmm?" Maine answered still hoping to prolong the inevitable.

"Why do you need an OBGYN?"

"Alden. I haven't had my period. I am never late." Maine began.

"But you told me you were safe!" Richard blurted out, clearly starting to panic.

"I was. Last time we did it was almost four weeks ago. I was safe at that time. The shot I get to control my menstrual cramps and serves as birth control expired 4 weeks ago as well. I am four days late." Maine explained. Honestly, she's starting to get quite irritated with this man in front of her. The nerve of him to question her statement? 'But you told me you were safe' my ass. Ugh!

"Do you think you're pregnant?" Richard asked point blank while pacing back and forth.

"There is a possibility. That's why I need an OBGYN" Maine answered. "Not just to find out if I'm pregnant or not, but to also make sure everything is okay. And if ever, I will need another depo shot. I can't go back to those horrible menstrual cramps again" she added.

"So there is a possibility that you could be pregnant?" Richard asked again clearly wanting a yes or no answer.

"Alden" Maine began with a sigh. "Again, yes. There is a possibility that I could be pregnant. But" she put her hand up before Richard interrupts her again, "calm your ass down. Don't jump into conclusions until we get the answer. There is a possibility that I could just be delayed due to the stress. I mean look at the past few weeks, we've been into so much stress, right? So, please Alden, don't panic! I will try to see an OBGYN as soon as I get discharged" Maine ended, looking down at her clasped hands.

Maine didn't see the fleeting disappointed look on Richard's face. She didn't see the momentary despondent expression on his face. In fact, Richard wasn't aware himself. But the moment that Maine blurted out the possibility that she could be pregnant, he felt this sudden leap of unexplainable euphoria. He didn't understand it himself because as far as he knew, he hasn't changed his mind (yet) about having children. So that feeling puzzled him more than anything else which made him continue his pacing, deep in thought.

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