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GOTCHA! Did y'all think that I will end it there! Nope! No way! I think I can pretty much say that I've been very consistent with all my cliffhangers and I can also say that I've always redeemed myself, right? I so badly wanted to respond to all your comments on the last chapter but I didn't want to spoil this ending. Anyways, here's the true ending. Once again, this chapter is unedited. So please excuse the errors.

Warning Rated 18A for strong, suggestive and sexual language. Let's end this story with a bang, shall we?


Richard absent mindedly walked into his office, concentrating on the documents in his hand, not looking at his surroundings. He just closed a big business deal with an american company that his company had been pursuing for a few months now. He didn't really think he was going to be able to seal the deal but lo and behold, they signed the papers. It was a relief for him and the rest of the company because not only did they land a big project but they also got a huge donation for the Bella Foundation.

Richard walked straight to his desk letting the door slam behind him. The rest of the staff have been long gone making the whole floor devoid of other people. He glanced at his watch and realized that it was already 8:00 pm. Shit! I'm fucking late again! This is the fifth consecutive day that he stayed late. Everytime he gets home, his son Ried (short for Siegfried)  would already be sleeping. The most he has seen his son in the last five days was in the morning when he goes into his room to say goodbye. Ried would usually wake up at the same time too as if sensing his father in his room. It never fails! And then he would fall right back to sleep. Gaaaahhh! I miss my son!

Sigfried Isabelo Faulkerson, his two year old son is the epitome of a perfect child. Well, to Richard anyway. He's got his mother's big doe brown eyes, complete with long lashes that seem to just float on his face whenever he closes his eyes. His nose he got from his father; straight and upturned. His lips full, once again from his mother, complete with his mother's signature smile. The smile that changed Richard's life forever. And of course, Ried wouldn't be a Faulkerson without the signature left cheek dimple. The kid plays that dimple to the hilt too! Charming everyone he meets with his smile. Yap, that's my son!

"Good evening Mr. Faulkerson" came the sultry greeting from the corner of the office. The unexpected voice startled Richard out of his wits. He turned towards the sound.

"Oh hello, Mrs. Faulkerson" Richard responded, slowly walking towards the couch where his wife was seated. "What are you doing here? Where's Ried?"

"You know, I would've been offended if you didn't ask for our son" Maine responded with a smile which in turn earned a laugh from her husband.

It's been two years since Maine almost lost her life. Richard will never, ever forget that day. It turned out that when Maine broke her water, a part of the placenta started separating hence all the bleeding that started in the hotel bathroom and on the operating room floor. It was touch and go for Maine in the first 48 hours after their son's birth. She lost a lot of blood probably almost all of the blood flowing through her veins. Richard had never prayed so hard in his entire life. He prayed to all the saints he could think of. He couldn't even remember if he slept in those 48 hours. Maine's parents, his father and sister, took turns in taking care of Ried that time because Richard didn't leave Maine's bedside.

Maine woke up right on the 48th hour mark and the first words that came out of her mouth were..."I badly need a shower." That's when Richard knew that his prayers were heard and that his wife will be just fine.

Maine watched as her husband walked closer to her and she knew the exact moment when he started to recall what happened during Ried's birth. It was from the way his smile changed and the way his body tensed up. She could feel the anxiety pouring out of him. This is not the first time either. He's been having this moments on and off but they've been less seldom than before, thank goodness! Truthfully, who could blame the guy. She probably would still be having panic attacks if it were her that had to go through what Richard went through. Thankfully she doesn't because Maine couldn't remember anything at all during that time. All she could remember was when she was in the hotel bathroom and when she woke up from her coma. What happened in between was a blank. It was probably her mind's way of protecting her sanity.

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