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I seem to be on a roll! Yay! Another update! But I seriously hope this will bring a smile to your faces. I didn't plan for this chapter to end up like this but it did. Enjoy!

Strong and suggestive language. Thanks.

By the way, thank you for the get well words. It meant a lot. I am feeling a little better. My voice is slowly making its appearance once more! Yay!


"Dayday" Bella uttered while extending her hands up as soon as she saw her father come out of Maine's room.

"Hello princess" Richard cooed, taking Bella from Christine's arms and walking to the living room.

"Whoa! Who's the caveman?" Jason exclaimed looking up from his phone.

"Haha. Very funny, Pineda" Richard sarcastically stated, shaking hands with the other man.

"Listen, it's nice that you've decided to join the living again, Faulkerson, but I have to go. By the way, we got all of Bella's bloodwork completed today. I'll call you as soon as I get the results" Jason stated while heading to the elevator. "Maine, I'm glad you were able to knock some sense into that stubborn neanderthal over there. He doesn't deserve you" he added while holding onto his heart dramatically.

"It wasn't easy, let me tell you. I truly felt like I entered a cave when I walked into his room" Maine replied, waving her hands in front of her, as if smelling something foul.

"Did you have to wear a mask?" Christine asked.

"I should have" Maine replied looking at Richard, who by now was turning beet red from embarassment.

"People. In case y'all have forgotten, may I remind you that you are all standing inside my house right now" Richard stated, seemingly irritated because he was the cause of the joke at the moment.

"Wow! The owner has spoken" Christine announced sarcastically. "Anyway, thanks Jason for accompanying me and my niece today and for all your help" she added while turning to Jason.

"Don't mention it. It was my pleasure. I got to spend the afternoon with two beautiful ladies" Jason responded. "Bye Bella" he waved to the little girl. He then turned to Christine again and stated in a low voice "see you later, Christine" accompanied by a buzz on the cheeks.

"See yah" Christine responded a little shyly.

The elevator arrived and after one last wave, Jason was off.

"Ahem. What was that?" Richard teased looking at his sister.

"What was what?" Christine asked, blushing innocently.

"Don't mind your brother Christine. He's just readjusting from being dead" Maine interrupted after seeing how Christine was starting to get uncomfortable. "Anyway, how was playtime?" she added to try and change the subject.

"It was good. Bella did so well. She was so brave when they were taking her blood. I was the one crying, can you believe that?" Christine replied.

"Yeah, I cried the last time too" Maine shared. "Anyway, have you eaten?"

"I would say yes but the smell of something divine is telling me to say no. What is that?" Christine asked sniffing the air.

"I cooked beef stew and made garlic bread. Would you like to try it?" Maine asked.

"Oh yes, please" Christine replied enthusiastically making Maine and Richard laugh.

"Well, while you two are busy with that, I'm going to put Bella down for a nap" Richard declared walking in the direction of the bedrooms.

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