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It's my last day off y'all! So I'm posting this chapter early because I might not be able to find the time later. Another set of 4 and y'all know what that means. Scarce on updates. But, enjoy this one nonetheless.

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


Richard, out of pure human instinct, jumped back when Maine suddenly threw up into the sink. But then, after a split second, he moved forward again to lift Maine down from the bathroom counter. Once Maine's feet were touching the floor, she instantly turned around to bend over the bathroom sink as she continued to throw up. Richard reached for Maine's hair and held it back, away from her face, as she hanged on to the sink while she continued dry heaving. He stood behind her, creating soothing circles on her back, patiently waiting for her to get some semblance of control over her body.

"I'm so sorry love. So sorry" were Richard's litany, watching Maine's petite body curl forward, like an angry cat, with the force of her dry heaves. It took a good 5 minutes before Maine finally stopped. She was about to slump to the floor when she was lifted off the ground into Richard's arms. He headed towards the claw foot size bathtub and gingerly laid Maine down. Once he was sure she was comfortable, he reached over to turn on the water.

"Oh my gosh! Too cold Alden" Maine protested weakly, trying to move away from the water, curling herself into a ball.

"Oh sorry baby" Richard replied. He tested the water with his hands and once he was sure it was the right temperature, he reached towards Maine and straightened her legs. As the water filled the tub, Richard could see Maine visibly relaxing.

"Alden. Join me. There's plenty of room for both of us" Maine invited.

Well, which man in their right mind would say no to that.

Richard turned the tap off before he moved to sit behind Maine and once he was positioned, Maine leaned back on to his chest, their upper bodies touching. Her petite frame the perfect fit for that space in front of him. Like it was truly made for her. Wait a minute! It is made for her. Only her.

"Is this the first time you've had morning sickness?" Richard asked, massaging Maine's temples.

"No it happened yesterday at church too. And it doesn't seem to know if it's morning sickness, or afternoon sickness. It just comes whenever it feels like it. No warning whatsoever."

"I'm so sorry." Richard apologized again.

"Hey. It's not your fault babe. Well it is partly your fault because without you this wouldn't happen" Maine teased while encompassing her abdominal region with her hands. "But, anyways, it's part of pregnancy. Which by the way we still have to tell my parents."

Richard's hands that were massaging Maine's temple stilled at the mention of The Mendozas! And the flashback of Teodoro's fist connecting with his jaw brought a wince to his face. Because, whether he admits to it or not, he was scared of being punched again by the older man. 

"Love? Do we have to? Can't we just move to another country and come back with the baby already" Richard whined. Imagine that! A grown man, whining! Huh! That's a first.

"Wait. Is the self assured, confident and tyrant in the business world, Richard Faulkerson Jr. still scared of my Tatay?" Maine asked disbelievingly. "Because come on, you went and ask for my hand without being told. I think you're the bravest man I know."

"I think you're mistaking me for my dad" Richard replied with a laugh. "But listen. I was desperate that time when I went to see your father. I thought I was going to lose you. And the funny thing was the first thing he asked me was "Did you get Maine pregnant?" In his most intimidating voice. Good thing the answer was no at that time" Richard recalled as goosebumps covered his body.

"Don't worry about him. He's a marshmallow at heart" Maine soothed. "He just pretends to be the tough guy but he's not, really.

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one he'll be punching." Richard mumbled to which Maine laughed out loud. "It's not funny love."

"It kinda is" she stated as she laughed some more but as she noticed Richard's stern expression, she quickly sobered up. "Okay. I'm sorry. You're right, it's not funny. No seriously Alden. He'll be fine with it. You'll see" she cajoled.

"Are you sure? Or maybe we could elope before we tell him. That way, he won't have any choice and he can't say that I got you pregnant out of wedlock." Richard contemplated out loud.

"Oh and then when the baby is born, we'll tell him it's premature. He won't suspect a thing" Maine added sarcastically. "NOT! Alden. It's ok. I got you. We're in this together okay. You and me. It's not you or me. Don't worry about it" she added sensing how Richard really seemed scared shitless.

Richard remained quiet and pensive after that. They enjoyed the bath in comfortable silence. Richard still unconsciously massaging Maine's temple and Maine creating circles on Richard's thigh. They remained in the tub till the water started to get cold. Richard was the one to move first, moving Maine to the side so he can get out. As he was drying himself, he noticed that Maine had fallen asleep. He quickly finished drying, and reached for Maine.

"I can stand love" was Maine's sleepy mumble.

"Just stand here so I can dry you first. I don't want my future wife to catch pneumonia you know" Richard teased which earned a smile from Maine.

After making sure Maine was totally dry, Richard wrapped her in his bathrobe, nearly swallowing her small frame in the fluffy material. He lifted her in his arms and headed to the bed, gently laying her on it.

Maine felt the softness of the bathrobe and when Richard laid her on the bed, she curled into a fetal position, enjoying the feel of the material surrounding her body. She breathed a contented sigh when she felt the blanket cover her. 

"Maine? I'm just going to go cook breakfast okay. I'll come wake you up when it's ready" Richard stated.

"Hhhmmm. Didn't we just have breakfast."

"I mean food, love. You need to eat" Richard answered sternly.

"Aaawww. So does that mean no seconds on breakfast in bed" Maine stated with a yawn.

"Love, ask me that when you're not about to fall asleep" Richard replied with a laugh as he bent down and kissed Maine's forehead. "Sleep. I'll wake you up when the real food is ready" he added and with a last peck to Maine's cheeks, he left the bedside and Maine finally succumb to the call of sleep with a smile on her face.

Before stepping out of their bedroom, Richard looked back at the peacefully sleeping Maine. Seeing her in his bed, wearing the engagement ring that he had especially made for her, the world seemed all right again. Burying Bella yesterday was painful and hard but facing the rest of what the world brings, with Maine by his side, was enough to bring a smile to Richard's face. To add a spring to his step and to spread lightness to his all too long heavy heart.

"I promise to God, Maine, I will take care of you and our children. You will never feel alone again. Ever!" Richard whispered into the quietness of the room. With one last glance at Maine, he gently closed the door and proceeded to stay true to his promise.

What Richard didn't realize was that Maine heard everything. Uncontrollable tears started to flow once more. Hearing Richard make that promise was pure heaven. But then she also remembered something. Because she had done something impulsively. Because how is she going to tell him that she had accepted the job in California, a day after Bella passed away. 

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