Dont Let Me Down

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Well hello y'all! Here is the longer update, as promised. I'm still suffering from laryngitis but at least, I have a bit of a voice now. Yay me! Hopefully, I'll be back to work soon. Anywho, I hope y'all enjoy this chapter because I had fun writing it.

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


Richard paused outside Maine's open bedroom door trying to compose his thoughts and calm his overly beating heart. He stepped inside quietly, his eyes seeking Maine but to his surprise she was nowhere to be seen. Well, what the fuck? He walked to the ensuite bathroom but she was not there either. He was about to step out, but then he heard it. It was muffled but he heard it; the small sniffles coming from her closet. He turned in that direction and pushed the closet door open.

There Maine was, in the middle of the closet, jerkily pulling her clothes and throwing them in the open suitcase on the floor. She didn't notice him standing by the door, watching her every move. She kept at it, throwing anything and everything she can get her hands on. She was still crying but it was obvious through her actions that she was also fuming mad. She was mumbling to herself.

"Stupid...stupid...Maine! What exactly did you expect? Did you expect him to just say yes? I swear to whoever that is holy, I will fight him in this!" Maine mumbled to herself in between her irate movements.

Richard actually hesitated. He didn't know if he should slowly back away and let her expend her anger first or if he should stop her before she hurts herself. He finally decided on backing away and he was about to do just that but his slight movement caught Maine's attention. She turned so swiftly in his direction with a pair of black stilettos in her hands, which she was in the process of adding to the jumbled pile of mess on the floor. Oh fuck me! Shit!

Maine looked at Richard through her tears and her anger doubled. She couldn't believe the nerve of this asshole. After what he said earlier, he had the nerve to follow her. Oh wait! Yeah, this is his house! For all I know, he just wants to make sure that I don't leave any mess behind! Maine threw the pair of shoes in her hands to the middle of her suitcase. She wasn't even aware of the mess that she had created until the other shoe bounced back and fell to the floor. Maine looked down and for the first time, noticed the pile of clothes, shoes and purses on the floor. Because she was already so distraught, the mess brought on more tears, more sobbing and admittedly more anger. She just stood there, covered her face with her hands and just cried.

Richard watched as Maine struggled with her emotions. When she finally gave in to her tears and just cried, he took the remaining steps to her side and wrapped his arms around her. Oh but he was in for a surprise! She fought him! She struggled when she felt his arms around her.

"Let go of me, you asshole! Let go of me!" Maine hiccuped while pushing Richard away. But he didn't let go. So she hit his chest with her fists. "Don't touch me! How dare you! Let me go" she struck him over and over and he let her.

Richard stood in front of Maine and took her hits; over and over. He maintained his hold on her though until finally, finally she stopped. She had expended her anger at the expense of his chest. He will probably have bruises there later but he had to admit, he deserved every single one.

Maine finally gave up struggling and just leaned her head on Richard's chest, listening to the wild beating of his heart. The beats actually calmed her down to a point where even the tears stopped coming, and only sniffles remained. She felt Richard tighten his arms around her to bring her closer to him and she let him. God forgive her, but she let him. She didn't have the energy to fight anymore. Maybe tomorrow? But she's done for today. And then she heard it.

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