Coming To

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This is just a filler chapter, I must say. I started my set of 5 shifts today and I wasn't planning on posting any update actually. BUT! But reading the comments from the previous chapter made me come up with this one. If you haven't figured out by now, I'm not a big fan of clichés. You'll see what I mean. Although, some of you might not share the same wavelength I'm on. Please don't shoot me. 😊✌🏻️😊.

Strong and suggestive language.


Maine came to the next day. She opened her eyes to be greeted by the white walls of the hospital room, the hardness of the hospital bed and the coldness of the air conditioning in the room. She tried to look around but as soon as her head left her pillow, it came right back down. She didn't expect the sudden onset of dizzyness and nausea that hit her and she actually had to turn to the side for fear of throwing up all over herself. She then decided to keep her eyes closed for now, keeping her breathing steady. Concentrating on anything but the pounding in her head. Recalling the reason why she ended up here in the hospital.

Maine lifted her hand and gently probed the huge bulge on the back of her head covered with a bandage. She wanted to slap herself for being so careless. And then she opened her eyes abruptly. Whoa! Big mistake! The whole world started spinning again, so she had to close her eyes just as abruptly once more. Shit! Am I pregnant?

Maine laid there, with her eyes closed, contemplating the chances of her being pregnant. That's when she heard it. The subtle but familiar soft snore coming from the bottom of the bed. She slowly opened one eye and peeked down to see Richard sound asleep, slumped over, his head on the empty spot beside her right foot. Well, who wouldn't feel warm and tingly all over after seeing that? Richard looked so relaxed although his body was contorted to fit into the chair positioned beside the bed. Maine slowly opened her other eye and looked her fill.

After a few minutes, Richard must've sensed that someone was staring at him because he stretched his body and slowly opened his eyes. Maine, for the qualm of being caught staring, closed her eyes quickly, pretending to be sleeping still.

Richard stretched his body on the chair and after, reached for Maine's hand and squeezed. Looking at her on the bed, with a huge bandage on her head, brought back the feeling of dread and helplessness he felt yesterday. He can vividly recall that exact moment when he felt his world close in on him.

He was heading to his bedroom to change as soon as Maine left his penthouse when the security guard called him through the intercom. He answered it so quickly thinking it was Maine. But instead, he heard the panicked voice of the guard telling him that Maine had been hit by a car and that the ambulance were on their way. At first, Richard thought it was some sick cruel joke but the sound of sirens in the background made him realize that it wasn't a joke. He badly wanted to run down to the lobby right there and then, but Bella was still sound asleep in her room. For a minute, Richard didn't know what to do. Till now, he couldn't recall how he managed to call his father to tell him what happened. By the time his father got to his place, Maine had already been taken to the nearest hospital, which was St. Luke's Medical Centre. Richard followed suit and hasn't left Maine's side eversince.

The whole time that he was there, Maine remained unconscious. Her parents stayed most of the night too and just went home an hour ago with the promise that they will be back very soon. Christine and Jason came as well and then they went to relieve Richard Sr. in looking after Bella. Richard Sr. came to the hospital to make sure that his son had something to eat. It's been more than 24 hours since Maine was unconscious.

Maine felt Richard lift his head of the bed, grasped her hand and squeezed. That's when she pretended to slowly regain consciousness. Her eyes were met with Richard's very tired yet concerned ones.

Richard watched with bated breath as Maine slowly regained consciousness. Initially Maine looked at him, then looked around the room and then back to him again. He felt like jumping for joy when he saw her open her eyes. But then, his heart almost stopped when she focused on him with no sign of recognition. They looked at each other for god knows how long, until Richard spoke.

"Maine? How are you feeling?"

"I'm sorry. Who are you?" Maine answered bluntly. She watched Richard's shoulders sag and his whole body slumped in defeat. She watched as his eyes filled up with tears obviously believing that she actually does not recognize him.

"Oh god. What have I done to deserve this?" Richard whispered, closing his eyes and sitting back down.

That's when Maine realized her joke might have backfired. Out of all the moments to play a joke on Richard, she had to pick this time. She couldn't stand looking at the man in front of her lose it. He started sobbing, never letting her hand go. Stupid, stupid Maine! To make up for being insensitive, Maine squeezed back Richard's hand until she got his attention.

Richard was in the middle of wallowing in self pity when he felt Maine squeeze his hand just as tight as he was squeezing hers. He opened his eyes and looked to Maine to be met by her smile. Her larger than life, drop dead gorgeous smile. Wait! Hold the thought!

"I'm joking. Well, I thought it was a joke anyway. I'm sorry Alden. That was very insensitive of me." Maine stated with a contrite expression on her face.

"What the fuck, woman! Out of all the times.."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry" Maine interrupted seeing the reddening of Richard's face.

Richard suddenly let go of Maine's hand. He had to carefully take deep breaths as he ran his hands through his hair in frustration. He seriously believed that Maine lost her memory. Well, who wouldn't? When he got to the hospital yesterday, the emergency personnel were already working on Maine. It was 1 hour later till he finally got to see her. And what he saw, weakened his knees. Her hair was matted to the side because of the bandage on her head. Her clothes were covered in blood. There was just too much blood everywhere. The doctor reassured him that head wounds tend to bleed profusely and that there was nothing to worry about. Apparently it could've been worse if Maine's head didn't land on her purse. Her purse saved her life. Huh! Who knew!

So can anyone blame him if he believed that Maine actually had amnesia? Sheesh!

Richard paced back and forth just to expend some of his energy because at that moment, he didn't know wether to laugh or cry once more. Leave it to Maine to think of this as a joke!

Maine followed Richard with her eyes as he paced back and forth in front of her. Truthfully, she was starting to become uneasy. Richard hasn't said anything and he was starting to look like a caged animal. She actually got scared when Richard suddenly stopped pacing, turned to look at her and moved closer with purposeful strides. He stopped right beside her bed, bent down and gave her the most searing kiss. She had no choice but to respond back. In a way, she also responded with much ardour because of the mere fact that she was alive. It just clicked. She was truly alive! Oh god! Thank you! I'm alive!

Then all too sudden, Maine's room was filled with people and she had to pull back from the kiss and push Richard to catch his attention. Unbeknownst to the two, they accidentally pressed on her call bell while they were kissing hence the sudden appearance of people in her room.

"Hello" was all that came out of Maine's mouth. "Well this is embarrassing!"

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