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Most of you wanted me to continue with the updates so here goes it. I started this chapter not having a specific ending but as I started writing, it came to me. The last part might not be what most of us expected but ficA and ficM are also human beings. Just keep in mind that we all deal with grief in different ways.

Warning: Rated 18A for strong, suggestive and sexual language used. Thank you!


Maine watched as Richard walked away from her, his shoulders slumped as if he was carrying the whole world on his shoulders. Because he was. His daughter was dying. Perhaps in the next few hours, Bella would be gone. That thought was enough to bring a fresh onslaught of tears for Maine and it came to the point when she couldn't seem to catch her breath. Her chest tightening up to the point of hurting.

Maine stood up with one thought in mind. I need to get out of here! I can't stay here! I can't! And with that she started running. She took the stairs two at a time, reaching the hospital lobby in record time. She stood by the stairway, frantically searching for the nearest exit and once she saw it, she began running again. She wasn't aware that she had already stepped outside until the coldness of the rain heavily pouring, hit her skin. She didn't care! She just wanted the pain in her chest to disappear so she turned in one direction and started running. It didn't matter that she was only wearing a cotton shirt, a skirt and her shoes were only covered with strap on sandals. It didn't matter that she didn't know which direction she was going! All that mattered to her, right that very moment, was to get rid of the pain in her heart.


Richard was standing by the window in Bella's room, watching the rain hit the window pane. The repetitive beep of the ventilator and Maryann's quite sniffles were the only sound in the background. The older Mendozas were sitting on one side of Bella's bed. Teodoro had his one arm wrapped around his wife and the other stroking his granddaughter's head.

Richard remained still, by the window, his posture defeated, his eyes red rimmed from crying. He had just gotten off from a three way call to his sister and his father, telling them about Bella. They're both on their way to St. Luke's. His heart was heavy from the news that Jason just gave him. The repetitive and recent seizures that Bella had been experiencing have now caused severe damage to her brain. Bella's spleen and liver were now so enlarged that each might rupture any minute. And when that happens, Bella will probably not live through the night. Yes, although expected, it still hurts to hear it. How can a parent watch their child slowly fade away and not be able to do anything about it?

Richard was about to turn away from the window when something prompted him to look down. At first he just stood there, trying to decipher what he was seeing. He had to squint and look harder because quite frankly he just couldn't believe it. Because even from afar, he recognized Maine, running on the sidewalk, under the pouring rain. What the fuck is wrong with this woman? Is she suicidal? Fuck!

Initially, Richard was just going to leave her be.  Their last encounter less than 20 minutes ago, still fresh from his mind. Maine's hurtful words still echoing in his ears and reverberating through his heart. He was truthfully about to turn his back but he saw Maine stumble, not once but twice and he just couldn't walk away. Aaaaaarrrggghhhh! Dammit Maine! And as fast as lightning, he took off!


Maine fell on the sidewalk for the umpteenth time and as she stood up once more, ready to run again, a black car pulled up in front of her and a man jumped out of the driver's side. She couldn't see clearly because of the rain and so she was startled when Richard appeared in front of her, wearing a thunderous expression. If she still possessed some sense left, she would've ran the other way. But she didn't. She was soaked, her knees were hurting from falling on them numerous times and her heart was still bleeding. In fact, Richard's face was a welcome sight.

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