Relief At Last

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I have to say, I like this chapter. It kinda explains Richard's perspective. It also answers some of the hanging questions from the previous chapters. Anyway, enjoy!

Strong and suggestive language used.


Richard couldn't help his body's reaction when he heard what Maine said. His instant hiss of breath escaped before he could stop it. His muscles bunched up in tenseness before he could will them to relax. Because, for the life of him, he didn't want to hope. He didn't want to end up hurting if this was all a joke. God knows, Maine had already played a joke on him once before and he fell for it. So he did the most rational thing he could think of. He asked, just for clarification purposes.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

Maine, for all her boldness and assertiveness, in that very moment felt like a cornered child. This overpowering fear suddenly took ahold of her body that she couldn't even speak anymore. The fear was so intense that her whole body started shaking.

Richard felt it when Maine's body started shaking like a leaf. Her breathing also seemed to be coming out in spurts that he suddenly became very worried.

"Hey, hey baby. What's wrong?" Richard asked while sitting them both up. He noticed Maine tried to answer but nothing was coming out. So he lifted her up into his arms as he stood up and headed to the bed. He laid Maine in the middle, joined her and after pulling the blankets up to cover them both, he pulled her closer to his body, engulfing her in his warmth. "Maine, what's wrong?" Richard asked once more.

"I....don't....know...." Maine stuttered. "I'" she added.

"Of what, baby? Tell me" Richard cajoled rubbing his hands on Maine's arms.

"Alden. I'm pregnant. With our child. I know that you said you didn't want to have kids but it's here now and I'm keeping it and I would like, no, I would love for you to reconsider your decision about not having kids because we're going to have one within a year...and...umphhht" Maine didn't get to finish her continuos rambling because Richard caught her mouth in his and gave her a thorough kiss. A kiss that actually made Maine forget her train of thought. Her shaking body instantly became taut with need. Sheesh! Pregnancy hormones will be the death of me!

Maine was about to respond to the kiss but Richard suddenly pulled back, got out of the bed and walked out of the room. Well, what the fuck?!? Where the hell is he going? Here I am, being all dramatic and shit, and he just walks away! Gggrrrrr!

"Faulkerson! Where are you going?!?" Maine yelled after she recovered from her shock.

Her question was met with silence. No answer. Maine looked around her wondering what she should do next when Richard sauntered back in, which once again, took Maine's breath away. His shirt undone, exposing his muscled chest. His fly open, giving a glimpse of his happy place with each step he took. Maine failed to notice the piece of paper in his hand (because come on! Why would I look anywhere else when he was fully exposed like that?), until he extended it for her to take.

"What's this?" Maine asked puzzled.

"Just read it." Richard answered with a mysterious smile, making his dimple appear deeper.

"Oooookay."Maine replied with a roll of her eyes but proceeded to read the contents of the paper in her hands. At first glance, it looked like a simple correspondence between a doctor and his patient, but as Maine read further, her hands started shaking, her breathing hitched and she couldn't finish reading because her eyes were now swimming with tears. Because this letter in her hand only means one thing. Yet she needed to hear Richard say it. She'd jumped into too many wrong  conclusions before that she didn't want this to be one of them. She looked up at Richard who was busy picking up something from the floor. My god! The timing of this guy! Maine waited till he straightened before she spoke.

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