Author's Note

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First of all, thank you for the thousands of reads and votes and of course the lovely comments on this story. Many of you who have been following this story have been ever so kind to leave me private messages. Now the reason for this note is because when I woke up this morning, there were a few messages asking me where was the latest update. That prompted me to check and to my surprise and disappointment, chapter 20 titled 'One More Time' is missing. I know that many of you have already read this chapter yesterday because I have received tons of votes and comments; and I have responded to every single one of them. I tried to retrieve the lost chapter myself but there was no way I could. So, I reached out to the wattpad support team and they are currently working on it. I honestly don't know what happened because up until 4 hours ago it was still there. The only reason I know this is because I was still receiving notifications of votes and comments until that time. I did not delete the chapter! That would be impossible because I was sound asleep in my bed when the chapter disappeared. 

Needless to say, I am very disappointed and very upset because of this. That chapter was a pivotal one for the progression of the story. So, after much deliberation, I've decided to try and replicate it. It will not be the same as the original one but at least it will have the important contents, well, I hope anyway. 

I apologize even if it wasn't my fault but I hope this incident does not deter you all from reading the next chapters. I am praying that wattpad will be able to restore it but I'm not keeping my hopes up. 

Thank you for all the support in these times of sadness (a little bit over dramatic, I know but hey it's my note hahaha).


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