Meet the Parents

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Look guys! We're at chapter 50! The golden chapter! Yay! Here's an update before I start my set at work tomorrow. You know what that means. The updates would be scarce in the following days. But, I always make it up, and I do! So enjoy this chapter. See you on the next one.

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


"What?!?! Dad!" Richard exclaimed standing up after Maine scrambled to stand up herself.

"Why is everyone crying then?" Richard Sr. asked puzzled, looking around and for the first time noticing the 2 strangers standing beside the crib.

"Dad! Ugh, never mind!" Richard stated exasperated. He went to stand beside his father and placed an arm around the older man's shoulders as he gently but firmly turned him around towards outside of the room.

"Alden?" Maine asked puzzled at Richard's actions. "Where are you going?"

"Love, just give us a few minutes" Richard stated turning his head to look at Maine before him and his father totally left the room.

Teodoro and Maryann were both wearing identical puzzled expressions as well. They weren't prepared when the other person showed up so they weren't able to say anything and before they could blink, Richard had whisked his father out the door again. So they looked at each other and quickly tried to straighten themselves; wiping their eyes and blowing their noses. It's not everyday that grandparents get to meet the other set of grandparents for the first time. With one last look at their sleeping grandchild on the crib, they went to sit on the chairs lined up by the wall on one side of the room.

The older couple didn't notice Maine's irritated pacing on the other side of the room, mumbling to herself. She was sort of annoyed that Richard pulled his father out so quickly before she could introduce her parents to him. What? Is he ashamed of my parents? What the fuck?


Meanwhile, outside in the hallway, Richard was trying to talk to his father, trying to explain the situation.

"Dad. Maine's parents just found out that they are Bella's grandparents. Please, don't be too hard on them?

"What? Me? Too hard? RJ. When was I ever hard on other people?" Richard Sr. asked a little offended.

"Dad, please. Just take it easy, okay. It's been a pretty emotional afternoon for the couple. Give them a bit of a break." Richard implored once more. His father did not rise up in the business world by being meek and quiet. In fact, Richard Faulkerson Sr. is known for his straightforwardness and his no non-sense attitude. He wouldn't say anything he doesn't mean. It's all fine if he's negotiating a business deal but truthfully he doesn't have much people skills.

"Why are you asking this from me, RJ? I haven't even met them yet?"

"Dad" Richard mumbled with an exasperated sigh, "I just don't want you to barge in there and demand answers to questions that they probably don't even know the answer too. Dad, they're Maine's parents, Bella's grandparents. They're family. That's all" Richard stated, looking at his father, making him understand how important the Mendoza parents are to him and to Bella.

"Fine, fine. I will take my cue from you. I won't speak until spoken to, like a trained dog" Richard Sr. mumbled.

"That's not what I'm saying, Dad. I just....ugh...never mind. Just..., just remember, they're not one of your business deals" Richard replied, running his hand through his hair in frustration. He pinched the bridge of his nose trying to stave off an impending headache. And then he remembered. "What are you doing here anyway? How did you know we were here?"

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