Letting Go

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Tears and more tears! Should we get this over with or should I forego the updates until after Christmas? I'm torn. Help me! I will do what you want me to. Let me know. Anyway, here's another chapter.

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


The whole team pushing the gurney that carried Maine and Bella reached the pediatrics floor in record time. They wheeled into a room where all the equipment were prepped earlier in anticipation of Bella's arrival. As soon as they entered the room, every personnel available went about their assigned tasks.

Maine was oblivious to everything that was happening around her. Her sole attention was focused on the little girl in her arms. She continued to sing, unmindful of the disorder and pandemonium surrounding her. Her body wrapped around the little girl, her niece by blood but her daughter by heart.

Jason went close to Maine and attempted to take Bella from her arms. He expected a little resistance but what he didn't expect was the full blown fight coming from Maine. Because instead of giving up Bella, she tightened her hold and sang louder as if tuning out the rest of the world. Jason turned his beseeching eyes to Richard, pleading for him to do something.

Richard was quietly observing Maine as she appeared to be losing herself, her sanity. He felt her pain, her anguish and as she slowly descended into sheer desperation, he descended with her. If he was going to lose his daughter and Maine with her, he will gladly follow. Losing Bella, he had accepted a long time ago. But losing Maine, he will not take. He will not accept. So as much as it pained him, he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Maine and Bella.

"Maine. Love. You need to give Bella to Jason. You need to let her go" and his voiced unexpectedly hitched as fresh tears rolled down his face. "You need to let our..., our...., let our daughter go so Jason can try to help her. God, love, let them help her" he pleadingly whispered.  "Love, please, please... and if they can't help her, let them make her comfortable. Please Maine, please."

"Alden, I can't. I want to but my body can't." Maine whispered brokenly, her words broken as she tried to gasp for breath.

"Then give her to me. Let me hold her" Richard replied quickly coming up with the idea. If Maine will give him Bella, then he can give Bella  to Jason. "Maine, please, please. Let them take her pain away, if that is all they can do. Our daughter is in so much pain love, please" he begged seeing the pain that was etched on his daughter's face.

It took all of Maine's willpower to loosen her hold on the little form in her hands. She knew that Bella needed some medical attention. Her mind was screaming that truth! But her heart couldn't seem to accept the fact. Her heart wanted to feel Bella's heartbeat close to hers, faint as it was. Her heart needed to feel the tiny fluttering, like butterflies taking flight, coming from the little body in her arms. Because deep inside she knows that this might be the last time she will ever feel it again. That she will never feel Bella's warmth and sweetness in her arms. Perhaps that was the main reason why she couldn't let go. Because she knew that Bella was so close to giving her last breath.

Maine took a deep breath and slowly extended her hands towards Richard, reluctantly handing Bella over. Richard immediately let go of her and reached for his daughter. There was still some resistance but eventually Maine handed Bella over completely. As soon as Bella was in his arms, Richard gave his daughter a kiss on the forehead and whispered "Princess, I love you so much! I wish I can take all of your pain away but I can't. So I'm going to give you to Uncle Jason so he can help you, okay. I love you my princess, my little firecracker, my Bella." He promptly handed Bella over to Jason before he too will end up changing his mind.

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