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So, after the last 2 chapters, here's a bit of a breather. I apologize for putting y'all through the emotional roller coaster but it was needed. This chapter might add some more to the questions rather than answering them but hang in there because there is a purpose to everything. Peace y'all! 

Again, strong language used. Thank you! 


The elevator doors closed in front of Maine with her last glance of Richard standing in the middle of the kitchen, looking back at her. Tears continued to stream down her face and she couldn't seem to stop, now that she started. She looked down at the piece of paper in her hand and as much as she dreaded to see what was written on it, she had to find out. She specifically looked for the registered father section and, clear as day, it read Richard Faulkerson Jr. She cried a lot harder then. If her world just tipped out of balance earlier, it just turned upside down. The realization that she slept with the same person her sister had a kid with just hit her and the self admission that it was just plain wrong. Oh my god! What have I done!

Maine stepped off the elevators, her head bent to hide her face, when it reached the ground floor. The security guard spotted Maine right away and he was about to greet her when he noticed her tear stricken face and her swollen eyes.

"Could you call me a cab please" Maine murmured to which the guard just nodded his assent. She honestly didn't know where to go from here but the tightness in her chest spurred her to get away from this place, for now. The words that Richard uttered upstairs and the evidence of Bella's parentage in her hands were just too much. She needed some breathing space, some time alone. Alone, to absorb the truth and to figure out her next move. But once again, alone.

It took 5 minutes before a cab appeared at the curbside of the building and as soon as Maine saw it, she rushed to the vehicle, stepped in and the cab drove away.


Richard was rendered motionless when he saw the pain that was etched on Maine's face and the sorrow reflected on her eyes before the elevator doors closed. That single look was enough to make him doubt his actions. And then it him! The vindictive words that escaped his lips earlier came back to haunt him as he stood there. Admittedly, he let his emotions get the better of him. He wasn't thinking straight and now he might have hurt Maine more than what is repairable. However, he just couldn't shake the sense of betrayal that seem to have taken over him and he actually listed reasons in his head why Maine deserved everything he said. Yeah, keep telling yourself that, buster.

Richard prides himself for being a man always in control of his feelings. This is the reason why he climbed up the business industry ladder so quickly. But the emotional turmoil he's feeling at the moment was something he had never experienced before. Honestly speaking, he could count with his fingers in one hand the times that he's ever lost control. He could feel his body wanting to shatter like the broken glass on the floor. He couldn't help it when he turned around and punched the wall behind him, leaving a mark and making his fist swell instantly. Great! Not only does my face hurt but now my hand too! Fuck!

He stood there nursing his injured arm as he spied the ice pack on the kitchen counter. The ice pack that Maine tried to put on his face earlier. It had melted into a puddle of water  which is fitting since everything seemed to be slipping through his fingers; his control, his emotions and most of all Maine. He opened the freezer, grabbed another ice pack and slapped it on his injured hand. He reached inside the liquor cabinet, poured himself a shot of tequila and downed it in one go. The liquor left a trail of fire on his inside but it didn't help ease the anger in him.


Richard was about to take his fourth shot when the elevator doors opened again and out stepped Christine. He couldn't explain the disappointment he felt when he saw his sister step out instead of Maine. Idiot! You expect her to come back after the words that you spoke? You fuckin questioned her entire being? You didn't even give a chance to explain? You really are proving yourself to be an asshole, aren't you?

Christine took one look at her brother and knew that something was wrong.

"Kuya? Kuya Alden. What happened?"

"Oh hello dear sister." Richard replied, his words a little slurred.

As Christine drew closer to her older brother, she noticed the bruised face, the bruised hand, the half bottle of Patron and the dirty dishes stewn all around the sink. This was not like her brother at all. He was half sitting, half leaning on the kitchen counter with a shot glass full of the amber liquid on one hand and a melted ice pack on the other.

"Kuya! What the hell happened?" Christine asked again.

"STOP YELLING AT ME! I'M OLDER THAN YOU! " Richard slurred back his voice rising an octave or two higher.

"Ok. I'm sorry. What happened?" Christine asked for the third time while rolling her eyes.

"What happened? WHAT HAPPENED? I got stabbed in the back again. Even in her death, Dyann still stabbed me in the back." Richard lamented and took the shot of tequila after. Tears freely fell after that. He couldn't help it, probably because he was now drunk as a skunk, and his control had long slipped out.

"I don't understand" Christine replied while putting her hands around her brother's waist and guiding him to the couch because he looked like he was about to pass out. There were only a couple of times that she saw his brother like this. First was when their mother passed away and second was when their brother died as well. Even when Bella was diagnosed with Gaucher Disease, he was distraught then, but not like this.

Richard let himself be led to the couch but not without taking the bottle of Patron with him. His sister, petite as she was, guided his bulk from the kitchen to the living room and then pushing him onto the couch once they were close enough. He sprawled unceremoniously but he had the presence of mind to hang on to the tequila bottle to avoid any spillage. Yeah. Priorities!

"Kuya. What the hell do you mean? Why is Dyann's name being brought back when we both know she's been dead for almost 2 months now" Christine stated clearly exasperated from her brother's evasive answers.

"Well, sit down dear sister and let me tell you a story" Richard began and as the light of the
sun disappeared from the horizon, he retold the story of how he found out about Dyann's true identity.


Christine patiently listened to her brother's slurred speech, each word getting more difficult to understand as the alcohol bottle passed his mouth over and over again. There were times that she couldn't help but cry with him because he sounded like he was in so much emotional pain. Till finally, finally he drifted off to sleep and the place became quiet. She sat beside her brother shaking her head.

"You stupid, stupid, stupid man. Gaaahhh! For such a smart man, you can be so damn stupid!"

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