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Hi everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates in the past couple of days. Real life kicked my ass again. Anyway, here's a continuation of last chapter. Enjoy!

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


"WHAAAAAT?!?!" Maine screamed in a panic.

Richard was about to further explain himself but the buzzing of the intercom became insistent, indicating that the person pressing the button downstairs was getting quite impatient.

"Alden! Please pick up the phone and press 9 to check who really is downstairs! Press 9 again to let them in. I need to put some decent clothes on" Maine yelled over her shoulder as she ran to her bedroom.


"RJ! Open the damn door so we can come and see our daughter!" Teodoro's demanding voice stated over the intercom.

Richard did as instructed and as he hung up the phone, he couldn't help but smile at Maine's panicked reaction upon hearing that her parents were possibly downstairs.

Richard came up with his back up plan last minute because he really couldn't think of any other way to convince Maine to come back home. Well, unless he kidnapped her. Which is entirely possible and doable but he still wanted to keep his cock and balls intact. So after wracking his brain, he came up with this plan. Luckily, when he called Teodoro and Maryann, they readily agreed. What Richard failed to anticipate was Teodoro calling Richard Sr. and telling him all about 'the plan'. The two older men have surprisingly, developed a strong bond even after Bella passed away. In fact, the Mendozas and the Faulkerson have kept in close contact with each other which seemed to have cemented their family together. It is one legacy that Bella left behind. To bring these two families together, making them as one. 

So Richard was surprised when an irate Richard Sr. and a very upset Christine showed up at his office that same afternoon demanding why they weren't part of 'the plan'. They made it sound like it's a top secret mission impossible. Sheesh! Over the top dramatic! Yes, Mendozas and Faulkersons to the rescue! Yeah right! To make the long story short, Richard ended up agreeing to all four coming with him. His father decided to hire a private plane to eliminate the airport hassle. Go big or go home! That's his motto! Yap, my father never does anything half ass!

The group of five arrived in Los Angeles yesterday afternoon. Everyone of them wanted to come straight to Maine's apartment as soon as the plane landed. But that's when Richard had to put his foot down. He needed the time to convince Maine, alone. In fact, he wanted the whole weekend but he was only able to get a night, as per Teodoro. The Mendozas couldn't wait to see their daughter so he had to talk them out of heading straight to Maine's apartment. They gave him the night with the promise that they will be showing up first thing the next morning.

The demanding knocks on the door came so unexpected that Richard actually jumped out of his seat.

"ALDEN! Open the door please!" Maine yelled from the inside of her bedroom.

Richard was about to do just that when Maine ran out of her room, breathless.

"Wait! Did you tell them my parents I'm pregnant?" Maine asked, eyes wide as saucers.

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