Internal Struggle

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There were many speculations from y'all after the ending of the last chapter. Some even apologized for being too forward. However, I would like y'all to know that your comments are what keeps this story going. If not for those comments, I wouldn't be coming up with cliffhangers all the time. Anyways, @unbecomingjane mentioned the inclusion of the title of the book in the last chapter. Yes, that was done on purpose. If y'all have noticed with my other books, I usually put the title into the chapter if the story is nearing its end. This book is no exception. We might have 10 more chapters left before the book ends so I hope y'all enjoy the read.

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


The funeral went on as planned, without a hitch. The whole time Richard kept looking behind him, around him and in front of him hoping to see Maine or even just her shadow come back. He was functioning in the belief that Maine would never miss this day. Not when it would be her chance to say her last goodbye to Bella. But, as he placed the last rose on top of Bella's coffin, he finally came to terms with the truth that Maine will not be showing up. Not anymore. As he stood back and watch the little coffin be lowered to the ground, he couldn't help the anger that started to course through his veins. Because Maine took the cowards way out. She disappeared without saying a word. Although, looking back, he knew this day would come. That when Bella goes, Maine goes. He had a feeling this would happen but he thought that Maine would at least stay to say her goodbye. If not to him, then to Bella. Maine, you are a coward!

When Richard saw the first clump of dirt hit the coffin that contained his little girl, he couldn't help the tears that spilled from his eyes. As much as he said he wasn't going to cry anymore, he still felt the loss of the one being that most likely have changed his outlook in life. Such a shame that you're not here for this Maine.

Richard looked around him as the grave diggers went to work. The rest of the people started to disperse, stopping by his side, mumbling their condolonces once more. He couldn't help thinking that Maine should've been there by his side. She should've been there, holding his hand, watching the people say their last goodbyes to their little girl. After a while, he looked around him and noticed that the only people remaining were his father, his sister, Maryann, Teodoro and Jason. They were all scattered but still surrounding the quickly disappearing coffin. Each seemed to be lost in their own thought. Then, like an invisible hand guided them, all six of them moved closer to each other, making a one cohesive unit. Drawing strength from each other and sharing each other's grief. As they wrapped their arms around each other, the first drop of rain fell, followed by a downpour. As if the heavens were also pouring out their grief. But before anyone could run for shelter, the rain totally stopped and the sun once again came out from behind the clouds. Once again, as if the heavens were saying that it's okay. That Bella is at last, home.


Maryann had been discreetly watching Richard the whole time since Maine disappeared. Leave it to my daughter to create such a ruckus. She couldn't help but feel sorry for the young man when she saw him looking around as if searching for an ever elusive presence. She had received a text from Maine earlier, to which she promptly showed to her husband and that't why they weren't too worried when Maine didn't show up again after she left. But, seeing Richard's defeated posture was just enough for Maryann to decide her next move. So when they were all heading to their respective cars, Maryann stayed behind a little and approached Richard.

"Alden" Maryann called softly.

"Yes ma'am" Richard turned swiftly when he heard Maryann call him from behind. "Have you heard from Maine?"

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