She Knows!

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The last chapter wasn't much of an update was it? I know, I know. When I started writing, I promised myself that every chapter I'll post should always be relevant to the story. The last update may have been bleh and for that I apologize, but it was still relevant to the story, right? Right? Okay, never mind! Anyways, I hope this will make up for it.

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!

To @Danielle_Cheri and @ruenna1814 thank you for the encouragement from the last chapter.


The look on Teodoro's face on seeing (and hearing) his daughter swear like a sailor was comical if it wasn't for the situation they were in. And top that off with Maine's lack of clothing, well, that was enough to make him loose his shit! But before he could reprimand his daughter, his wife spoke first.

"Menggay! Watch your mouth!" Maryann whispered loudly.

"Oh sorry, Nanay, Tatay." Maine responded remorseful. "What I meant was, what are you guys doing here?" She back-pedalled as she gave her parents a kiss on their cheeks. Richard, in turn gave Maryann a hug and Teodoro and handshake. 

"Well. We're visiting a friend's son, who's been admitted last night" Maryann explained.

"And you?" Teodoro asked.

"Bella is admitted as an inpatient. She had a seizure earlier and she needs to be here for closer observation." Maine disclosed.

"Oh no! Is she okay?" Maryann asked worriedly, craning her neck as if doing so would give her a glimpse of the little girl.

Maine noticed how her mother had tightly grabbed on to her father's arm when she mentioned Bella. And then it dawned on her that her mother might know (or perhaps feel) something that she's not letting on. Right then, Maine decided it was time to talk to her parents about Bella. She turned to Richard, who has been suspiciously quiet this whole time, to see him looking at anything but her parents. He looked guilty as hell, for what, she doesn't know.

"Nay, Tay, could you please excuse us for a minute?" Maine asked and when her parents both nodded their assent, she pulled Richard to the side.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You are acting like you just stole the Crown Jewels?" Maine fervently whispered.

"Honestly? Your father scares the shit out of me. You didn't see the look he gave me when he saw what you were wearing! I thought for sure I was going to feel his fist connect with my cheeks  again. I've just recovered from the last one!" Richard whispered back.

Maine couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor guy. Her father must've really hurt him with his punch. To think that a self assured, successful, dominant male such as Richard was afraid of her father was, admittedly, enough to pull at her heartstrings. Yeah, I'm  sappy like that. She couldn't help herself when she placed a gentle kiss on Richard's lips for reassurance in front of her parents. Richard himself was taken aback from the look on his face and the way his eyes flew to her father's. But before he could pull back he heard Maine whisper something against his lips.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I said I love you" Maine whispered again and that was enough.

Richard smiled, deepening the lone dimple on his left cheek. That moment, despite the emotional turmoil he's going through, from Bella's unexpected turn this morning to the unexpected meeting with Maine's parents, Maine's whispered 'I love you' was enough. The three words calmed him down and he actually thought, I could face anything, having this woman by my side.

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