Once More

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So here is the rewrite of the deleted chapter. I know it's not the same as the one that mysteriously disappeared but I hope it will do. I apologize for some missing content. Again, I had to rewrite this out of memory. Once again, thank you for the continued reads, votes and comments.

Like the previous chapter, I give you fair warning before you read on. This might be too much for the ones with delicate sensibilities.

Warning: Rated 18A for strong, suggestive and sexual content. Please heed the warning. Thank you and enjoy.



Richard couldn't get over the shock of that discovery. He looked down at Maine and could clearly see and feel her pain by the tensing of her muscles and the grimace on her face. What the hell am I supposed to do now? Shit! Should I pull out? Should I keep going? What the hell? Damn! Why didn't I see this? The signs were right in front of my face but I chose to ignore them. Fuck! I let my dick do the thinking. Out of helplessness, he decided to keep still. To let Maine adjust to his girth. To let the pain subside.

Maine heard Richard's explosive question but she wasn't able to say anything due to the unbearable pain between her legs. The pleasure she felt earlier has now been erased to be replaced by the acute burning inside of her, comparable to a papercut being doused in alcohol. The pain might have been a little bearable if she had some kind of a warning before Richard fully went in.What did you expect him to say? 'I'm going in now, here we go' like that? Yeah right? In an effort to ease the pain, she tried moving away from the source of it. However, she was held down by two strong hands.

"Fuck, Maine! Don't move Don't...fuckin...move! Please...don't" Richard begged.

"But it hurts" Maine whined. Yes, she whined like a freakin school girl.

"I know. Shit..no! I don't know! Why didn't you tell me? Try to remain still. Please" Richard stated through clenched teeth. His body was screaming for him to move but he could see how much it's still hurting Maine, so he prayed for strength to whoever was listening. If there was an award for ironclad self control, he would definitely be the sole recipient.

"What was I supposed to say? Was I supposed to announce it first?" Maine retorted clearly irritated now. So, like the other times that she felt pain she took deep breaths. In..out..in..out..in..out. As her body started to relax, she felt the pain and burning start to ease off and at the same time to be replaced by a feeling of fullness. Like she was stuffed with something big. Oh yeah, the asshole's cock, that's what.

Maine opened her eyes and looked up at Richard. He looked like he was in pain! Where the hell does he get the right to be in pain for? His eyes and jaw were clenched shut, and beads of sweat were rolling down the side of his face. He remained motionless that if not for her feeling his pulse through his cock inside of her, she would think he was dead. Despite all that, looking at him this close, Maine had to admit, he is a good looking son of a bitch. His face a cross between being angelic and being a bad ass. His body looked as perfect as the one depicted by Michael Angelo's paintings; muscles so defined. Admittedly, the pain has now turned to a mere sting and looking at Richard was slowly starting to get her aroused again. She had to close her eyes just for the fact that she needed to savour this very moment.

Richard felt Maine gradually relax. He opened his eyes and looked down at her only to be met by the look of relaxation on her face. He, then, tentatively moved his hand to where they were joined, gliding his thumb over her clit. Maine tightened around him and her eyes flew open. Well that's a good sign? She hasn't asked me to stop yet? So Richard took it one step further. He pulled out halfway while his thumb continued to touch her bundle of nerves, only this time, he added more pressure and he moved his thumb in a circular motion. He slowly pushed back in but then he heard Maine let out a hiss.

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