A Father's Blessing

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The last chapter garnered quite a bit of violent reactions from y'all. But, I think most of us know that there is an explanation to the word 'no'. I will be the first to admit that this is once again, a filler chapter. I am in between shifts right now and so I decided to post this to tie us over until I'm on my days off. 2 more days, y'all.

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!



"Wait...what?" Richard asked in disbelief. He thought for sure this was it. That this was the perfect time to ask Maine. He banked on her saying yes, with much enthusiasm. It never actually crossed his mind that she'll say no. Shit! Well this is embarrassing! And a kick to the guts! He cleared his throat to hide his embarrassment and looked up at Maine to witness the different emotions that flashed on her face. Funny thing was, with all the different emotions, Richard couldn't detect any sadness or remorse. Which really puzzled him.

Maine said no instantly when Richard asked the question not because she meant no to the proposal but because her father's stern face flashed before her eyes. She recalled him giving a lecture to her and Dyann when she was 16 and Dyann was 18 years old. She could vividly remember that particular moment as if her father was standing in front of her...

"Listen to me girls! No self respecting man will ever have one of my daughters' as his wife without asking for my blessing first. Do you hear me! If I had to walk through the hole of a needle and swallow fire to have your mother's hand in marriage, the least your future husbands can do is to ask for my blessing. I realize it's the modern ages now but, but I think me and your mother deserve a little show of respect!" Teodoro stated with much emphasis.

Maine couldn't even recall what prompted her father to make that declaration but for some reason, out of all the memories that Maine can retain, that most particular moment is the only one that reverberates through her brain as soon as Richard proposed.

Maine, whether she admits to it or not, have been and always will be a daddy's girl. Although she would like to think that she is an independent, self assured woman, her decisions are and again always will be based on her parents (especially her father) teachings. Hence the word "No" slipped her mouth before she could stop it, before she could even think.

Maine was brought back to the present when Richard stood up from his kneeling position and he looked like he was about to take off.

"Alden, wait! Please" Maine entreated.

Richard turned around and looked down at Maine. For the life of him, regardless of how much emotional pain he's currently in, he can never say no to her. Even if she just literally broke his heart into a million pieces. To him, it only seemed appropriate that he leaves since Maine already said no, but he just can't. Yeah, I guess I'm just a sucker for pain.

"Why? What else is there for me to wait for?" Richard answered, disappointment evident on his face.

"Please sit down. Let me explain" Maine answered. She watched Richard struggle for a minute until finally he sat down on the bed, leaving some distance between them. Maine crawled closer to him but didn't touch him. She took a deep breath before speaking. "Alden. I love you. I hope you know that. I am hopelessly in love with you. I know for sure that I can't live without you..."

"Maine, stop. I sense that there is a BUT coming and I am dreading it. If you're not ready to say yes, then you can stop right there. Call me selfish and rude but I'm done with the hurting for today. Just let me have some time for myself right now because regardless of how I try to ignore it, it still hurts. You're answer still hurts..."

"Just hear me out, okay. I know how my answer sounded but..."

"I'm sorry. I just need a breather..." Richard stated as he stood up agitatedly.

"ALDEN! Will you please stop interrupting me! And sit down! You're making me nervous!" Maine stated with her voice raised. "Please" she added for good measure.

Richard sat his ass back down when he saw Maine's face starting to get red and her body posture changed from relaxed to agitated. One of the things that Richard admire about Maine is that she says what she thinks. And right now is no different.

"Wait a minute. Why are you yelling at me. I should be the one getting upset." Richard asked puzzled.

"Dear heavens! I know! I know you should be upset but I'm trying to explain and you keep interrupting!" Maine took a much needed breath. "Okay. I'm sorry for yelling. But what I was trying to say is that I didn't mean no to your proposal...."

"Well, what does your "no" mean then?" Richard interrupted again. He saw Maine's face become stern from his interruption. "I'm sorry, go on" he conceded.

"The thing is, I might not look like I do, but I value my father's opinion so much. I guess you could call me a daddy's girl. Well, I am a daddy's girl. Even at the age of 29, my father's opinion and blessing is still very important to me. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I just would like for you to ask for my father's blessing first before I answer your question." Maine explained in a hurry, her words laced with shyness. And to her surprise, Richard started laughing. Like she just said something funny. What the fuck?!? "What is so funny?"

Richard had to take deep breaths to control himself. He couldn't help the laughter that spilled out. He could see Maine looking at him, all perplexed and quickly getting irritated. But he couldn't help it.

"ALDEN! I swear to god!!! If you don't stop...." Maine threatened.

"I'm sorry love. I'm sorry! I couldn't help it. I just find it hilarious because that's exactly what your father said you would say. I should've gotten myself prepared but then you said 'no' right away and I confess, it caught me off guard. But your father did warn me." Then Richard started laughing again.

It took Maine a minute before she could process what Richard just said.

"Wait....what did you just say?" Maine asked.

"I said, your father told me that..."

"Shut up for a minute! What?!?" Maine asked again, with disbelief clearly written on her face. "You already talked to my father? Wait. Whahuh?"

Then as Richard looked to Maine, he finally understood why she answered 'no'. And his respect and adoration for this woman he wanted for his wife grew tenfold. Here was an independent woman who have lived on her own for so many years, away from her family, and yet when one of the most important decisions of her adult life came, she still wanted her father's permission. Richard quickly sobered up and approached Maine on the bed.

"I did" Richard simply stated.

"Ahhhmm, you did what?" Maine asked, knowing the answer but still wanting to hear it out loud.

"Maine. I wouldn't ask you if I didn't ask for your parents blessing. I value your and your family way too much for that. So, after we spent that night in your apartment, after the charity ball, I asked for your father's blessing the next day. Believe me, he didn't make it easy. I thought for sure, he would say no. But then, after he interrogated me like he was an FBI agent and I, a terrorist, he finally conceded. So yes, your parents know and they've given me the go signal. Besides, I wouldn't want to be punched by your father again, you know. Once was enough." Richard stated taking Maine's petite hands and engulfing them with his own bigger ones. But then he didn't expect what came next. Maine started sobbing. Like the whole world had just ended. No actually, she was sobbing like her life just ended. "Uhhmm, Maine? Love? What did I do?" Richard asked softly, clearly confused now.

"Oh Alden *sob*. Ask *hiccup* me again. Ask me again, please *hiccup*."

For a minute Richard was confused as to what Maine was asking him to do. Well, who wouldn't when the woman whose hands he was holding was crying her ugliest cry. All tears and snot mixed together. But, to his eyes, she is still the most beautiful woman he's ever laid his eyes on. So, with all the courage and confidence he could muster, he knelt on one knee once more and asked...

"Nicomaine Dei Capili Mendoza, will you please do me the honor of being my wife?"

A split second passed, then Maine answered....

"YES! Oh my god YES!

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