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How's everyone doing after the last chapter? Still here? I hope so! Was that a surprise or was that a surprise? 😂😂😂. Anyway, I'm back to work tomorrow so as always, don't expect much updates for the next 4 days. But before that, here's another chapter.

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


Richard stood rooted on the spot, his mouth hanging open, disbelieving. He stared at the figure on his bed. Stared for a good minute, then blinked, then stared again and pinched himself for good measure. He needed to make sure that he was still awake and not in the middle of a very vivid dream! Because fuck me sideways, Maine is right here, on my bed! When this whole time, I was running the fuck around looking for her. Shit!

Richard took a tentative step towards the bed, slowly, for fear that this was just an apparition. When he was a step away from the bed, he literally took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and sent a pleading prayer before he opened his eyes once more. He took that last step and sat on the side of the bed, just staring at Maine. He wasn't sure how long he sat there, unsure if he should touch Maine or not. Once he's decided to touch her, he extended his hand and as it hovered in the air, he realized he was shaking. Like a fuckin leaf falling off the tree shaking. He pulled back, took another deep breath and stood up. Fuck! I need to calm the fuck down!

Richard turned his back and walked away from the bed. He was about to walk out of the room when he heard movement behind him. He turned around and watched as Maine slowly stretched languidly, like a Cheshire Cat. She moaned contentedly. Woah! Instant boner! Yap! Hard as marble!


Maine slowly came awake from her nap, stretching her body, unaware that Richard was standing a short distance away, watching her. She let out a contented moan and as she turned her head to the side, she spied a shadow by the door. She was so startled that she scrambled upright in bed and started screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Whoa, Maine! It's me! It's me" Richard calmly stated, heading towards her.

"Oh my god, Alden! You scared the shit out of me!" Maine exclaimed.

Well that's funny! I scared the shit out of her? Really?

"Why are you standing in the shadows?" Maine added, watching Richard walk towards her. And then she looked at his face and it hit her. Oh shit! Because Richard was wearing this unreadable expression yet his body posture was screaming of danger and aggression. For the first time that day, Maine began to doubt her decision to stay.

"I scared the shit out of you? Did I now?" Richard asked, his words dripping with sarcasm. "You were the one that left without a fuckin word. You were the one that didn't tell anyone where you were going and I, I scared the shit out of you? Don't you think that's calling the kettle black, Miss Mendoza?"

Richard, because of his disbelief and yes a little anger, wasn't aware that he had gotten so close to Maine until his nose was hit with her scent. Her own personal scent. Strawberries and lemon, sprinkled with vanilla. He didn't notice that their faces were only a breath apart until his eyes focused on her deep brown orbs that were widening as each second passed.

Maine, for the life of her, couldn't recall why she took off this afternoon because of Richard's proximity. She watched as he came closer and closer to her, personal space be damned! She should run if she was wise but oh he looked so damn hot! All aggressive and alpha male like.

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