A Parents' Pain

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Oh my gosh! That is all I can say about this chapter. I'm emotionally drained and it's not over yet. Hope to see y'all next chapter.

Strong and suggestive language used.


Maine quickly walked to her mother's side and placed her arms around the older woman. Maryann turned to her daughter and held on for dear life as she cried. Her tears making way for her anger, her sadness, her loss and most of all her guilt.

Maine held on to her mother, wrapping her arms around the older version of herself, as if by doing so, she can absorb her pain. She cried with her, albeit a lot quieter, with the same amount of emotions.

Teodoro and Richard stood by helplessly, not knowing what to do, seeing the love of their lives cry in anguish. Watching the two women in front of them cry as if the world was ending. No, they cried as if their world was ending.

After about 10 minutes or so and the women's sobs have turned to just mere sniffles, Teodoro stood beside the two women that mean the world to him. He wasn't sure if they were ready for his offer of comfort, but he placed both of his arms around them; perhaps just to let them know of his presence, of his strength and of his offer of comfort.

Richard stood on Maine's other side and placed his hand on her shoulder; not wanting to intrude on the family's time, but also just wanting to let her know that he was there if she needed him. To his surprise, Maine's arms snaked around his waist and pulled him in closer to her side.

It was a while later when Teodoro spoke up, while looking down at his wife.

"Mahal? What is going on here?"

Maryann looked up at her husband first, then to her daughter and lastly to the man standing beside her daughter. She took the handkerchief that her husband offered. She wiped her tears and blew her nose without saying a word. Finally, when she felt a little bit more like herself again, she bravely faced the other three.

"You guys might want to sit down. I have something to confess and I ask that you don't interrupt until I'm finished. Otherwise, I won't be able to continue."

The other three looked at Maryann with identical expression on their faces. It would've been funny but none of this is funny in the least. Maryann, indicated the chair and silently asked for the three to sit once again. She waited till they were all seated before she began her monologue.

"Exactly 2 months ago, Dyann came to our bedroom, in the middle of the night, and asked to talk. I thought nothing of it because she used to do that before, when she was young. She'll pop into our room, regardless of the time, and she will pull me away so she can tell me that she saw a shooting star. It was all in her imagination of course, but that never stopped her in letting me know. I asked her one time why she doesn't tell her Tatay, and she responded with 'you understand it better Nanay' and that was that. So that has been our own little thing. Her and I would wake up in an ungodly hour and just talk. Maine and Tatay would be asleep while Dyann and I would be chatting away.

Anyway, when she asked to talk that day, like I said, I thought nothing of it. I hopped out of my comfortable bed and headed downstairs where Dyann had tea and cake waiting. We started off talking about inconsequential things and then Dyann asked me a simple but meaningful question. She asked me if I would love her still even if she had done something horrible? My answer was of course! And then she started crying. What she told me next was something I never expected." Maryann turned to her husband and asked.

"Mahal? Remember that time when Dyann disappeared for 18 months?" Teodoro nodded morosely, clearly remembering.

"I will never forget that time. One of my daughters disappeared from the face of the earth; with no hint of where she was or if she was still alive. Everyday of that 18 months was pure torture. I woke up each morning and looked through the obituaries of the paper, hoping that my daughter's name was not mentioned and yet expecting the worst. No father could ever forget that time." Teodoro stated sadly.

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