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I think the title speaks for itself. I know that there are lingering questions regarding Bella but let's just absorb this 2 chapters for now. Please don't hate. There is a purpose to all of these.

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank You.


Richard and Maine both watch as the glass shattered on the floor. Not one saying a word. Each waiting for the other to break the silence. Maine was the first to move. Out of pure instinct, she bent down to pick up the shattered glass and in her hurry, she ended up cutting her hand.

"Ouch" she uttered while pulling back, favouring her injured ring finger on her right hand. She pulled the big piece of glass embedded in it and blood started pouring out.

Richard quickly stood up, took a wad of paper towel and grabbed Maine's hand while pressing the paper towel to the injured finger. When he was sure that the bleeding was starting to ease off, he stepped back and went to sit back down on the stool he was sitting earlier.

Maine on the other hand, turned around to wash the blood of her hands. She reached for the first aid kit on the bottom shelf of the under the sink cupboard, grabbed a bandage and placed it on the offended finger. She might have taken an extra long time in putting the bandage on because let's face it, she wasn't ready for this type of confrontation. For fucks sake, my parents just left after a surprise visit, I was just crying a few minutes earlier and now this? What the hell is this day about? Talk about emotional roller coaster.

Maine cleaned up the pieces of glass on the floor meanwhile being totally aware that Richard hasn't moved from the spot he parked his ass at. She was also totally aware the he was watching her every move. So finally, when there was nothing else to do, unless she starts washing the dishes again, Maine turned around and faced Richard.

"What did you ask me?"

"You heard me" was the abrupt reply.

"Why do you want to know?" Maine asked .

"I asked the first question here" Richard replied with a clenched jaw.

Maine could find another thing to do just to avoid answering the question but what's the point? She knew this day was going to come. She just didn't expect the first question to be thrown by Richard. She pictured this confrontation to be a lot different. She pictured that she was the one asking all the questions and that Richard would be the one struggling to answer. But, kick me in the ass and slap me twice because how the the heck did this role reversal happen?

Maine looked back at Richard to witness the look of anger in his eyes. Why the fuck is he angry?

"Miss Mendoza" he gave as a reminder.

"Yes, I might know her" Maine answered vaguely.

" Do you know her or not?" Richard asked again, this time his question was laced with anger and frustration.

"I know a Dyann Capili. But that's not her real name. She only used that name when she would want to play tricks on people" Maine began. "If we are talking of the same person" she added.

"Well, I guess that would be appropriate. Because she played a fuckin trick on me!" Richard exclaimed with so much anger.

"Why? Why are you so angry with that name?! What did she ever do to you?!" Maine asked, her voice rising, baffled by the display of anger coming from Richard. Because if she would believe her sister, this man in front of her was the one that pushed Dyann to kill herself! In fact, he had no right to be this angry! Did he even know why Dyann killed herself?

"What is her real name?" Richard inquired with bared teeth.

"Why?!? Why are you so interested in her anyway?" Maine countered.



"FOR FUCK'S SAKE! TELL ME HER REAL NAME?!" Richard demanded this time as he stood up from his chair and leaned forward,bracing himself onto the kitchen counter, gripping the edge.

Maine was taken aback by the aggressiveness and rage that Richard suddenly displayed. His face as red as a tomato and his stance so hostile. She didn't think that Richard could get to this point. So, out of fear and perhaps curiosity as well, she answered his question.

"Her real name was Dyann Capili Mendoza" Maine whispered.

If Richard was infuriated before, he was speechless now. He didn't expect the answer that came from Maine. They share the same last name? What the fuck does that mean? He grabbed a photograph from the pile of papers and placed it in front of Maine.

"Is this her?" Richard asked.

Maine looked down at the photograph and her sister's carefree smile greeted her eyesight. She could feel her body getting cold and clammy.


"Who is she to you" Richard asked although dreading the answer.

"She is my sister. sister" Maine answered her voice coming out in broken gasps.

Richard felt like the whole earth opened up and swallowed him whole. His knees became so weak, he started shaking and his palms started sweating that he had no choice but to sit his ass back down or else he would be crashing on the floor. OH GOD! What have I ever done to deserve this? He could hear the sniffling coming from the woman across from him but the feeling of rage and betrayal just kept growing inside of him. He knew, in the back of his mind, that he probably should approach this subject delicately but that part of him was long gone. It was replaced by the irrational part, who right now is screaming in vengeance because of the deceipt that was just revealed to him. So he attacked, not caring if he was inflicting pain or not.

"She never used Mendoza in any of her names, for the length of time I knew her. So, you're telling me that everything I knew of her is nothing but a lie. From her personality down to her fuckin name! There was no truth to anything." Richard picked up a piece of paper from the counter and flung it in front of Maine.

Maine picked up the piece of paper that Richard threw at her. Through her tears, she could see that it was a copy of a birth certificate. It was Bella's birth certificate. She read through it and on the section of child's mother it clearly stated Dyann Capili. That's when she broke into sobs. Sobs that were so powerful that she had to lean against the sink otherwise she would fall on the floor. She cried for her sister. For the pain and shame that she must've endured for keeping her pregnancy from their parents. For the time that Bella missed away from her grandparents. She cried for all the doubts that are now finally being answered.

"As you can clearly see, your sister is Bella's birth mother. But, fuck it all, she didn't even have the decency to give Bella her full name! So, that tells me that she didn't give a shit about her own daughter. I'm not surprised really. She esentially abandoned Bella as soon she found out about Bella's diagnosis. Never looked back. She just left without a backward glance." Richard continued, not realizing the hurtful words that were coming out of his mouth, because he too was hurting. He also didn't realize how much pain he had been keeping inside until now and it seemed like this is the time that everything is coming out. He then went closer to Maine so that there was only a breath of space separating them.

"So tell me Miss Mendoza, have you showed up in our lives to inflict more pain? Sacrificing your body for the end goal?" Richard sneered. He didn't notice the arm that lifted in the air until Maine's palm connected with his already injured jaw. The slap so strong that his head was forcefully turned to the other side.

"Mr. Faulkerson! Let me make one thing clear. I never sacrifice my integrity for anybody!" Maine enunciated each word through gritted teeth. She forcefully pushed Richard and she walked towards her room, with the piece of paper in her hand.

Richard watched as Maine walked away and realized the gravity of the words that he just uttered. He stood there, breathing heavily, feeling the pain of Maine's slap. 2 minutes later, Maine walked out and headed to the elevators. She stepped inside without saying a word and before the elevator doors totally closed, she looked up and met Richard's eyes, her face tear stricken and her body slumped in defeat.

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