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So here it is. After the last three chapters, I think we all need to calm down a bit. Gather our bearings. Stock up on water, I might add. They have to face the real world at some point, right? Right! Anyways, read on and enjoy.

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


Maine and Richard looked at each other, each with the unspoken question as the intercom kept on with its incessant buzzing.

"Are you expecting anybody this morning?" Maine asked as she scrambled to get out off of Richard's arms.

"Hang on. Don't.Slow down. Relax. I don't want you to slip and god forbid, bang your head somewere..."

"Oh shut up, Mr. Faulkerson! Stop changing the subject" Maine interrupted clearly getting annoyed, but she slowed down her movements cause yeah I really don't want to slip and die.

"No, I'm not expecting anybody this morning. Jason's not due till 4 this afternoon and Christine said she'll call before dropping by" Richard explained. Then he turned to look at Maine with questioning eyes.

"Well, don't look at me. I don't know anybody around this city to give your address to, well except Jason" she answered back while stepping out of the shower and quickly drying herself with the towel on the rack.

Richard just observed Maine from where he was standing, not minding one bit that she is using his towel to wipe herself. One thing about Richard, is because he has OCD, he doesn't like sharing any of his personal belongings. But for some reason, he finds that he doesn't mind sharing anything with Maine. That brought a thoughtful smile to his face to which Maine caught.

"Oh for fucks sake, Alden. Move! Answer the damn intercom. It'll wake Bella if that thing keeps going."

"Uuhhmm, I'm waiting for you to be done with my towel so I can dry myself and come out" Richard said pointing out the obvious.

"Oh sorry. I'll grab you a new one" Maine countered a little embarassed because her boss (well her lover now, and for some reason she liked the sound of that) just pointed out to her that she used his towel. Another facepalm moment Maine?

"No, it's ok" Richard countered. He reached for the towel that was wrapped around Maine's body and pulled until Maine was left standing, naked, with a shocked look on her face.

Maine's instant reaction was to cover herself with her hands but then she thought what for? He pretty much fucked the living daylights out of me, so what was the point in hiding? So, like a regal queen, Maine lifted her chin up, puffed her chest out and walked out of the bathroom haughtily which earned a laugh from the asshole behind her.

Maine glanced at Richard's rumpled bed, the pillows strewn on the floor, the fitted sheets undone from the corners, the covers untucked. The bed looked like a hurricane went through it. Dear god! Were we that wild? Maine couldn't help the blush that came, not just to her face but to her whole body. Her body that was thoroughly, absolutely, completely and literally fucked. Like head to toe, from the tips of her hair to the tips on her toenails fucked. And it was glorious! It was divine! She could get used to that! Whoa, take it easy there, wench. One day at a time! She was in the process of walking away from the bed when her eyes caught something. She went closer to the middle of the bed and there she saw bloody marks all over the sheets.

"Oh shit, oh shit oh shit" she muttered as she tried to take the sheets off. Richard found her that way, bending over the bed, her plump ass waving in the air, and if he moves a little to the middle, he can see her pussy as well. He was about to go closer to the offering when the intercom that became quiet for a bit, started buzzing again. As he was about to turn away from the temptation in front of him, Maine's muttering registered through his lust filled brain.

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