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I have to admit, this is only a filler chapter. I was supposed to be writing my paper but instead, I wrote this. At least I was productive, right? Right! Please don't shoot me :). 

As usual, strong and suggestive language used. Thank you. 


Next morning found Maine downing her 4th cup of coffee at only 6:00. She couldn't sleep the night before. All because she couldn't seem to keep herself from checking her phone if Richard texted to call her out on her duplicity. Or worse, cancel her employment altogether! He's a smart man. He would be able to put two and two together. He must recognize her address! Was that why his tone of voice changed when he was saying goodbye? But then by 5:00, Maine was more confused because why hasn't he? Or did he figure it out and he's now just toying with her! Sheesh! If this keeps up, I'm going to be a zombie by the end of this employment, whenever that may be.

After finally realizing that she is now nursing her 5th cup of coffee, Maine went back upstairs to gather her packed belongings and brought them down. Her parents were already out of the house since 4:30 (as their routine every morning) to help prepare their restaurant for the day. She told them of her decision to accept the job last night and both seemed genuinely happy for her. They weren't too happy about her sleeping arrangements however, so her mom promised to be the one to look for a place for her as soon as possible.

Her parents, as new age as they think they are, are still conservative Filipinos at heart. Especially her father. Teodoro Mendoza was born and raised right here in Sta. Maria, Bulacan. Right in this very close knit (almost bordering on obsession), very conservative community . Everybody knows everybody's business down to what they each had for dinner. Now that she thinks about it, it's no wonder her sister left this town (if her suspicions were right). I would too! When her parents got married, they decided to settle here and has been here eversince. This is why her father was a little upset when she told them of her plan; to essentially move in with her employer albeit temporarily. He wasn't too thrilled that she will be living with a single man under the same roof. He finally agreed when her mom volunteered to look for an apartment for her. 

Maine was pulling out her last bag outside their front door when she heard 3 successive horn blasts from outside the gate. She glanced at her watch to see  that it was exactly 7:00. Wow! talk about punctuality! She stepped out of the gate and was very surprised to see Richard leaning on the side of a black Jaguar XE sedan. She almost fell flat on her face seeing the devil incarnate standing there looking like he belongs. Like he's supposed to be the one picking her up and not just a random driver. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Fuck! So Maine being Maine, she blurted out the first thing that came to her mind.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Well, hello to you too, Miss Mendoza" he answered with a smirk. What the fuck is he smirking for?

"I'm sorry. That just came out. But seriously, what are you doing here? I thought you were going to send someone. You didn't tell me you were coming yourself?" Maine apologetically responded. And you didn't tell me you look this fuckin good in jeans and a plain white v-neck tshirt. WHOA! Where did that thought come from? Keep in mind Maine, he is your enemy. Meanwhile, here I am, looking like a drowned cat. 

Little did she know, Richard was thinking the same thing. Damn! She looks good enough to eat. With her hair all messy and her face devoid of make up. 

"Yeah, that was the plan but my driver's wife got sick this morning and he wasn't able to come to work. So here I am in his stead" he began while stepping forward and Maine had to step back to make room for him. "Are your parents here" he asked while peering inside the gate to get a better view of the house.

"NO! I mean no, they're not here. They left early this morning."

"What time will they be back?"

"Why? Why do you want to know?" Maine asked not hiding the suspicion in her voice.

"Nothing. I just thought I'd say 'Hi' before I take their daughter away" he stated with a wink.

WHAT THE HELL?!? What is he up to? What game is he playing?

"Well, they're not here and it's getting late so we better get a move on" she hastily said. "Like now, BOSS" she added for good measure.

"Right" he answered. Maine turned her back to grab her 2 suitcase and 1 overnight bag but before she could grip the handles, Richard was already pulling them all simultaneously. Sheesh! How does he move that fast? Richard loaded her belongings inside the trunk of his car while Maine went to inform Ate Sonya that she was leaving. When she went back outside, Richard was holding the passenger side door for her and she had no choice but to step inside the luxury car while murmuring a 'thank you' under her breath. He gently closed the door before moving to the driver's side. After making sure Maine's seatbelt was on, he drove off. His luxury car flashing and making a roaring sound in that small community. 

Wow. The gossip mongers of this town will be having a field day today! And the topic will be the remaining daughter of Teodoro and Maryann Mendoza. Say goodbye to your quiet life, Nicomaine! 

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