Red Dress

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I first heard this song a couple months ago and I've always wanted to write a chapter about it, but the timing wasn't appropriate. And now finally, finally, here it is. I am so excited and I suggest that you listen to the song first before reading the chapter. You'll see where I got the idea from. Anyway, enjoy.

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


Maine glanced at the clock as she stepped out of the shower to see the time to be at 3:30 pm. Plenty of time for her to get ready. She went about drying her hair and putting the usual styling products to set it so she can style it later.

Undoubtedly, Maine was a little (ok, maybe a lot) thrilled when Richard called tonight's event as a date. Deep inside, she had been counting the days since she moved out of his place. It has been 38 days. Yes, she counted down to the last minute, but nobody needs to know that. Sure, they've been seeing each other pretty much every single day but they just managed to do a polite smile and nod as well as the stiff 'Hi' or 'Hello' and of course the usual wave of goodbye. Or for her part, the dreaded but welcomed goodbye at the end of the day. That's why it was such a surprise to her when Richard asked her to accompany him to this fund raising event. Looking back, she might have been too eager to say yes without making him ask her again. What's the point really? She would've said yes anyway, so why prolong the inevitable. GAAAAHHH! I miss him so much, it hurts!

Maine got her make up done in under an hour and then she put her attenttion in putting her hair up in a simple yet appeared to be an intricate updo. Then it was time to put her dress on. She chose to wear a red formal dress with a keyhole plunging neckline (front and back) and the back bare of any covering except for a thin string that barely holds the material together. The dress's material was satin so it molds to her shape like latex. Maine was about to do the finishing touches to her makeup when her intercom buzzed.


"Maine. It's me" Richard responded on the other end.

"Come on up" she replied.

It took less than five minutes till there was a knock on her door. Maine ran to open it and there stood Richard, who looked like he just stepped out of a GQ magazine. He was wearing a black tuxedo that certainly highlighted his fair complexion, making him stand out in a crowd. His hair looked like it was freshly cut and styled. Maine signaled with her hand for Richard to come in because thruthfully she was robbed of any speech.

Richard stood by Maine's front door, accepting her scrutiny, as she looked him up and down. Unbeknownst to Maine, Richard was doing exactly the same thing. He first noticed the barely there material of her dress. Well, it is there but it barely covers her breasts. Well, no! It does cover her breasts but it looked like the material would be easily displaced with one wrong move. Fuck! How the hell am I supposed to concentrate when she is barely wearing anything. Then after Maine signaled for him to enter, she turned around and Richard nearly lost his footing. Her back was fully exposed! The material of the dress only covered her plump ass but again, if one leans forward just a little, her ass would be fully exposed for sure. Fuck, fuck and more fuck!

"Is that what you're wearing?" Richard asked a little too harshly.

"Yes. Is there something wrong with it?" Maine challenged with a quirk of her brow.

"Well no. Nothing's wrong with it." Richard stated loudly. "That is if we're going to a party where everyone is blind" he mumbled under his breath.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" Maine asked.

"No! No, I said nothing!" Richard readily responded.

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