Saying Goodbye

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Tissues, tissues and more tissues. That's all I have to say about this chapter.

Strong language used. Thank you!


Maine and Richard stepped off the elevator at the same time. They hurriedly, side by side, walked towards Bella's room but when they were about to enter, Richard stopped in his tracks. Noticing this, Maine stopped as well and turned towards Richard with a questioning look on her face.


"Just give me a minute. I just need a minute" Richard answered, his voice wavering as fresh tears rolled down his face and his body started shaking. "I can't seem to breathe. I...I....I......I didn't think it would be this hard. Shit!" He added as he clutched his ever tightening chest.

Maine swiftly walked back towards Richard. Without second thought, she placed her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest, right on top of his heart. She instantly felt his muscles start to relax, his breathing slowly returning to normal and his heartbeat slowing down. Then she felt his arms go around her as well.

"I'm sorry. I thought I was ready...." Richard began but was quickly interrupted by Maine.

"Ssshhh. Don't apologize. Never, ever apologize for being a good father. EVER!" Maine whispered assuredly. She then felt Richard take a deep calming breath, slowly released it and bent down to kiss her on the forehead.

"Thank you Maine, thank you. Let's go see our little princess" Richard whispered back. With that, he grabbed Maine's hand and together they stepped into Bella's room.


All heads turned as Maine and Richard walked inside the room. The Mendoza's were seated on the right side, Maryann with her eyes closed as if praying and Teodoro beside her holding her hand. A little closer to the bed were Richard Sr. and Christine. Christine sobbing quietly as her father tried to comfort her. Nanay Josie was seated on the far end of the wall wiping her tears. Jason could be seen pacing back and forth beside the bed, his white coat flapping as he turned.

All eyes followed Richard and Maine as they walked towards the bed where Bella laid. The sound of the ECG monitor dominating the silence in the room. The repetitive and steady stacato sound almost was enough to reassure the people inside. Almost being the key word. Because everyone knows that the sound may stop any minute. That the repetitive beats will turn into one long steady one.

Maine and Richard parted as they approached the bed, each claiming either side. As soon as Maine reached Bella's bedside, she immediately bent down and wrapped her arms around the tiny body on the bed. But she wasn't satisfied with just the mere contact. She looked up at Richard, silently conveying her request. It was Richard that spoke out loud.

"Jay? Can we pick her up? Can Maine pick up Bella?"

"Of course" Jason readily answered. He walked to the bed and assisted with all the wires, while Maine climbed on the bed with Richard's help. As soon as Maine held Bella in her arms, the sound of the monitor (Bella's heartbeat) increased as if the little girl wanted the rest of the people in the room to know that she was happy being in her Maymay's arms. Maine started singing "Butterfly Kisses" once more and Bella's heartbeat returned to normal.

Richard watched as Maine made herself comfortable on the bed with Bella in her arms. His heartbeat accelerated as well when he heard Bella's. The funny thing was, father and daughter might have had the same reason; Maine. As Richard watched Maine cradle his daughter, he couldn't believe that he ever thought of not having children of his own. Because, right there in front of him, is the woman that made him change his mind. The realization came at the same time as he finally admitted and accepted that Bella will be lost to them soon. It hurts yes, but, as he stood there, he recognized that Bella passing on would mean she would be pain free. That it was what's best for his daughter. As the acceptance of losing Bella finally settled in his gut, he also realized that he wanted to have children after all. But not with any other woman. Only Maine.

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