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How's everyone doing? Did the last 2 chapters help alleviate some of your anxieties? I hope it did! Anyway, here's another update! Yay! I'm on a roll!

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


Maine was determined when she headed towards the offending bedroom door. Christine was able to contact Nanay Josie earlier and asked where she kept the master key that opens all the bedroom doors. The key that Maine was now twirling in her hands. Maine inserted the key and the knob easily unlocked. But before she opened the door, she stepped back and pulled herself together. You can do this Maine. Just deep breaths and remember your purpose for being here. Don't back down!

She pushed the door open to be met by the most offending smell. It was a combination of alcohol, sweat and dirty wet linen. The room in itself was shrouded in darkness even if it's already 11:00 in the morning and the sun is at its highest in the sky.

Maine took tentative steps towards the bed and noticed scattered bottles of alcohol, dirty dishes and wait, are those the sheets that I took off from his bed 4 days ago? What the fuck! That lump of sheets spurned her to move forward. Towards the lump on the bed. Once she reached the side, she looked down at Richard's face. It was hard to see in the dark but she could feel the heat emanating from his body. The comforter was wrapped around his midsection, leaving his torso and legs uncovered. Maine reached out to shake the man in front of her.

"Richard. Richard!"

"Uunnggghhhh. Go away." Richard mumbled while swatting away the hand on his shoulder.

"You need to get up, Alden!" Maine insisted, shaking him again.

In response, Richard reached for the comforter and covered his head with it, while mumbling "go away" once more.

Well, that did it! How the fuck is a 32 year old man behaving like a fuckin child. So Maine reached for the edge of the comforter and forcefully pulled. What she didn't know was that, the comforter was wrapped around Richard so when she pulled it away, he came with it. She didn't realize her mistake until she felt and heard the thud on the floor.

"What the fuck?!?" Richard yelled scrambling to get up from the floor.

Maine turned around so suddenly because the affronted look on Richard's face was enough to make her laugh but she didn't think he would appreciate that right now. Instead, she busied herself by opening the drapes on the windows, letting some light in. Then as the light came in, Richard jumped back into his bed and covered himself again with the comforter. Maine went around the room opening every single drape. Once she was done, she turned towards the bed again.

"Richard! You need to get up."

"Why? What the fuck do you want from me?"

"ALDEN! Get your fuckin ass out of that bed or I swear" Maine threatened.

"You swear what? Huh?" Richard challenged.

"I swear I will pour ice cold water on you. In fact, I have the bucket out in the hallway" Maine calmly replied indicating the hallway with her head.

"You're bluffing" Richard challenged again.

"Try me Alden. Try me" Maine issued as she took a step towards the door.

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