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It's been a bit of a struggle for me to write this chapter. Not because I had no ideas but because it's been a while since the last one. I couldn't seem to capture the emotions from the last one and transfer or continue rather to this chapter. I hope it meets your standards. I will try to do better, I swear.

Strong language used.


Maine's arms involuntarily tightened around Bella when she heard Richard's nonchalant response to her question. She didn't realize this until Bella whimpered in her sleep as if protesting. Maine instantly relaxed her arms but it took a while before she could calm her wildly beating heart. She had to talk herself out of the anger that instantly coursed through her veins. Was she being irrational? Probably. But, if Richard was referring to her sister, then she had the right to be irrational. My sister was more than just a passing thought! She was more than just a wave of the hand as if she was a speck of dust that needed to be brushed off. She was my sister! And now she's dead! And it's because of you, you fuckin asshole!

Richard watched as the play of emotions passed through Maine's face. She tried hard to hide it though. She bent her head and pretended to be whispering to Bella but Richard saw her initial reaction to his response. It's puzzling to him though why she reacted that way. She asked a question, he answered it. Simple as that. But the tensing of her body and the clenching of her jaw was enough to tell him that he might have said something wrong. Well then ask her, dumbass!

"Miss Mendoza? Are you okay?"

"Yes. Yes of course. Why shouldn't I be?" Maine responded a little too hastily, a little too fake.

"I don't know. You seem a little..."

"I'm fine. Are we ready to go yet?" Maine interrupted. She carefully but gracefully stood up, taking care not to wake Bella.

Richard just looked at Maine for a minute, head tilted to the side, trying to decipher her weird behaviour but Maine looked right back, daring him to call her out once more. In the end, Richard just let out a sigh and straightened himself.

"We just have to wait for Dr. Pineda, Bella's doctor, to give us the discharge papers. Once that's done, then we can go" Richard stated. As soon as those words left his mouth, the said doctor walked in the room.

"Good morning Richard" Dr. Pineda said, extending his hand for a handshake.

"Jason" Richard stated, returning the handshake. It's quite obvious from the way these two men interact that they are actually friends and not just a client and a doctor.

"So today is the day" Dr. Pineda started and was about to say something more but stopped abruptly when he spotted Maine swaying quietly in the corner, holding Bella close to her body. He stepped closer to Maine with a ghost of a smile.

"You must be Miss Mendoza" he charmingly asked.

"Yes. I'm Nicomaine Mendoza" Maine answered extending her hand to which the doctor readily accepted.

Dr. Pineda was a good looking man, from a single woman's perspective. If there was a certain poster boy for tall, dark and handsome, Dr. Jason Pineda would be a top contender. He carries himself with confidence that's not boastful but rather, charming.

"Pleased to meet you, Miss Mendoza" he answered. I'm Dr. Pineda. This little angel's specialist" he stated with a nod of acknowledgement in Bella's direction. "But you can call me Jason" he finished.

Richard watched with disbelief as his long time friend started talking to Maine as if he wasn't standing in the room with them. Wait a tick! What the fuck is going on here? Is he flirting with her?!? Right in front of me? Woah! This needs to stop, now!

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