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AAANNNNNDDDDD here it is! I know I left all of you hanging after the last chapter. But there was a purpose to that. I wanted the foreplay to last before we get down to the real deal. Anyway, have water, fan and towel at the ready.

Warning: Rated 18A for strong, suggestive and sexual language. Enjoy!

PS: Thank you for all your patience. Love y'all!


Maine didn't only see the change in Richard but she felt it too. His demeanour, his stance and his facial expression. Yap! All jealousy and full throttle primal! His nostrils flaring, his jaw clenching and his hands forming into fists at his sides. Her instant reaction was to laugh, to roll on the floor laughing but one look at Richard struggle with his emotions, her self preservation took over. So she channelled all her femininity and her sexual powers as she straightened herself. Full on seduction baby!

Richard's vision turned red as he realized that Maine was naked all that time. The whole fucking time! He tried so hard to keep himself in check because he didn't want her to run away again and yet, YET, she strutted around with only the flimsy material of that stupid dress covering her! Fuck me! He was trying so hard to control his breathing when Maine straightened herself and stood up. Well, who needs to breathe! There Maine stood, in all her naked glory with her black stilts as her only accessory. If her legs were long before, mother of heathens, it looked endless now. Her bare pussy right in the middle. Richard had to swallow because his mouth actually watered!

Maine knew the moment she got Richard's attention. His breathing pattern changed. If it was laboured before, it totally stopped now. His eyes totally zoned in on that spot in between her legs. The mischievous part of her came out to play. So she stuck her index finger in her mouth and slowly glided it down, circled her nipples with it, pinched them for good measure. She heard him hiss. Well that got his attention! She continued to lower the said finger until it touched the tip of her pussy. She waited a breath or two until she dipped her finger in her wetness, letting her finger linger there, watching Richard the whole time.

"Maine, fuck..." he uttered, unable to stop himself as he grabbed his cock in his hand and pumped.

"You like what you see?" Maine responded seductively.

"Damn! Where do you learn these things?" Richard replied.

"You! I've learned everything from you. You taught me how to show my inner seductress" Maine answered with a smile. "Only from you, only for you, love" she added which brought a megawatt smile from Richard.

Richard's heart might have doubled in size with what Maine just said. He wasn't sure if he wanted to kiss her or to just fuck her, or both, or maybe just hold her and never let her go. He was floating in his own world when he felt Maine's breath on his cock once more.

"Shit! How the hell did you move that fast?" Richard stated looking down at the kneeling Maine in front of him.

In response, Maine took his cock into her mouth again, with his hand and all. She sucked the head like it's her favourite lollipop flavour. Make sure her tongue circled around the meatus, lubricating it with her spit. She looked up to watch Richard close his eyes and lean his head back in pleasure. His grip on his cock tightened, evident from the popping of the veins on his hand. Maine languidly took his hand off his cock by licking the digits one by one. Once he loosened his grip and let go, she replaced his hand with her own. Richard in turn dug his fingers through her hair and gripped.

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