Taking Control

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Well, after that last chapter, I think it's time we all have some sexy moments, right? So this is the beginning of those moments. I think...

Strong, suggestive and sexual language used. 


Maine stayed in her room until she finally fell asleep. She woke up at around 3:30 am because of the constant growling of her stomach. She had planned on ignoring the damn thing but it just kept gurgling until Maine finally gave up. She stood up and headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth because her mouth tasted like the bottom of a dry well. 

Maine slowly opened her door and looked to the right where Bella's room was, to see the illumination of the bedside lamp. She looked across to Richard's room and the door was slightly ajar. She tiptoed to Bella's room and walked to the crib side. She looked down at the sleeping form of the little girl. She couldn't help the loving sigh that escaped her mouth and she extended her hand to slowly caress the little girl's hair. Bella remained sleeping but a smile formed on her tiny mouth, probably because she was having a good dream. But Maine would like to think that the smile was because Bella felt her presence beside her, even in her sleep.  After one last caress and a kiss to Bella's forehead, Maine turned around and quietly headed to the kitchen. 

Once in the kitchen, Maine turned on the monitor on the counter, pointed to Bella's sleeping form. She opened the fridge to rummage through some left overs until she saw a container of pasta with creamy sauce. She pulled it out and was about to stick the container in the microwave when she heard a sound. Actually, it was a rhythmic sound as if an object was being hit successively. Puzzled and intrigued, she followed the source of the sound, which led her to the gym behind the kitchen and what she saw stopped her in her tracks.

There, in the middle of the gym, was Richard topless, covered in sweat and hitting the punching bag as if his life depended on it. No break, punch after punch, his breathing measured and his punches regulated. It was a sight to behold. Such power coming from a man that had held her gently in his arms less than 24 hours ago. His muscles more defined, his movements graceful and the concentration was admirable. In fact, Maine felt a little jealous from the attention the punching bag was getting. If only he focuses all that attention on me! Shit! Oh god, just turn around and walk away Maine. GO! But her legs had a mind of their own because they didn't move. So she was standing like that, ogling and probably drooling too, when Richard turned his head and their eyes met. 


Richard was busy letting out his fear and frustration onto the punching bag when he felt someone looking at him. He turned his head and his eyes met Maine's. Maine. One of the reasons for his frustration. In fact, the main reason why he is currently here punching the life out of this punching bag. They stared at each other for a few more minutes before Richard spoke.

"I didn't realize you were standing there." Yeah. Super smooth idiot! 

"I..I..I just came to check on the sound. I didn't know you were awake too" Maine stammered.

"Can't sleep" Richard answered while bending down to reach for the towel and the bottle of water on the floor. 

Focus Maine, focus! Dear god! Look at those muscles! Even the way he drinks the water...SHIT!

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" Richard asked puzzled.

"NO! Well no. Okay then. I'll leave you to your workout. I'm just going to heat something up in the kitchen." Maine hurriedly replied while turning away.

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