The Talk

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Be warned. This is not a feel good chapter. I wanted to make this story as real as it gets. In every relationship, there are ups and downs. Believe me when I say, this is down. I hope you hang in there for the sake of Richard and Maine.

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you.

PS: This was written while I was on my break at work.


"Well, nobody plans a murder out loud, do they?"

Richard was a little surprised by Maine's response. Because all this time, he thought she was just sad from earlier but he didn't realize (which really was stupid of him) that she could actually be angry, no wait, fuming mad!

"I guess I deserved that" he mumbled while taking the seat opposite Maine's.

"You think?" Maine replied back.

"Look. I'm sorry that I told you that way. I thought I was just thinking it. I didn't realize that I actually spoke out loud."

"That's the sad part though, Alden! Don't you see? If you already decided on it, when were you planning on telling me?"

"I...I...I..." Richard stuttered.

"Or were you even planning to tell me?! You got to admit, if you were set on not having any children, then why the fuck did you not use any protection. Let's face it, we've been fucking like bunnies in the last week and there is a big possibility, NO a huge possibility, I could be pregnant by now? Did you even consider that?" Maine asked.

"Please don't make it sound so vulgar" Richard entreated.

"REALLY?!? Out of what I said, that's what you caught? REALLY! Gaaahh! Answer my damn question!"

It took a minute or two before Richard could answer back. He wasn't prepared for the anger that's radiating off Maine right now.

"Maine, I'm sorry. Calm down please, calm down."

"ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION! And I swear, if you tell me to calm down one more time, I will push you off this balcony!"

"Honestly, I didn't really think about it at all. I know it's selfish of me. I wasn't really thinking straight, I still am not, I think." Richard turned to Maine and reached for her hand but she pulled it away before he could touch it. He gave a defeated sigh and resorted to leaning back on his chair.

"You know what bothers me the most is that I thought I was part of your life; that I am part of your life, now and the future.  Because correct me if I'm wrong, when you told me you love me, I assumed that I am part of your life right there and then. You see, because that's what I meant when I said 'I love you' back." Maine whispered while trying to hold back her tears but was unsuccessful.

"You are, love. You are. I love you and I want you to be part of my life" Richard whispered back.

"But why don't I feel it right now Alden?"

"I'm sorry if I'm making you feel that way. Tell me what to do. What do you want me to do?" Richard replied a little too earnestly because quite frankly, he was getting desperate. He doesn't like seeing Maine hurting and the funny thing was, he was the reason why she's hurting like this. He bent his head and placed it in his hands instead, to keep himself from reaching out and grabbing Maine; and never let go. Never let her go.

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