Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 32

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Dreamweaver chapter 32

True to his word the Crow Summoner had finally led us into a besieged hill area to which we'd entered into from the back side of the hill; which wasn't as steep and had more lush greenery compared to the side we'd come from. As we came over the back side of the hill we found the front of it full of the weak and the weary trying to stay alive. The U shaped ring in front of us was full of desperate kids fighting the best they could around the part of the hill area with the steepest angles of approach and matching their formation. Some of them hollered swear words when tossing their rocks down for deadly effect at the monsters below as we marched forward into their defense line that followed the hill top exactly with precision. The steep angle here also slowed the impatient orcs trying to come up from below we noticed as we got closer.

Only minutes before it seemed the orcs had tried to rush the line in full force; we'd arrived in the nick of time to help renew their courage.

Overall the orcs weren't able to approach the hill top easily or quickly. Due to the large number of defenders concentrated in one area and the steep hill side it was a perfect hold out position. The angry orcs had been driven back many times already with a pile of dead at the bottom. However it wasn't only orc blood stains at the slopes and bottom of the hill, suggesting some students had died to purchase this position and to give those at the top time to get themselves into place when they'd originally gotten here.

Then I saw the bodies to confirm it.

The defending kids were able to put a lot of force behind their throws using the natural gravity of the place to help with offense; and they had an almost unlimited supply of rocks of all shapes and sizes around us, since this hill was full of them. They kept raining down sharp and craggy rocks larger than the size of Akira's fists when possible whenever anything got close in their steady bombardment. Thankfully it was possible to throw them at a pace to pick off orcs faster than they could come at us.

This was the ideal spot to hold out a siege, since the hill had a steep angle and a good spot where we could have a ring of defense at the top. People were also able to use a few stray boulders here and there to hide behind for effectively a full cover position while trying to pick off orcs below. But the missile cover was also necessary, and the whole hill all the way down to the bottom was full of loose shale type rocks.

There was the problem of food and water though. I doubt anyone here had sufficient food supplies. But we'd have to address that later.

In effect, the many rocks all over the whole place had a down side in that the orcs at the bottom had access to rocks too, and were able to save their arrows for later. They made up for fighting against gravity with more arm strength to throw with too. They had their own people at the bottom trying to use slings to pick us off at the top, mostly unsuccessfully. Plus they were able to space out their arrow fire with slings and rocks and extend their ability to prolong the most effective usage of their supplies for the bombardment siege operation.

But that didn't mean we could stand out there in the open. Anytime people moved around they tried to stay really low and close to the ground when moving in the open, for fear of being shot. There was also many more orcs than there were people here, so even though the orcs weren't terribly skilled in range warfare they made up for it with their numbers trying to rocket missiles up to the top of the hill. They kept up a steady stream of missile fire up to the top, and after seeing it I was able to tell why so many students were bleeding and wounded, though they weren't hit as often as those below wanted them to be. It was also plain to see that no matter how long we stayed here the missiles flying up at the hill top would continue all day into the night.

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