Donatello x Reader | I just called to to say I love you - Stevie Wonder

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(A/N) I'm writing this for the 2014/16 Donnie, hence the glasses. Hope you're okay with that 8)

It was a normal and to be honest quite boring Saturday. You've slept in and started the day as easy as possible: with a long shower, breakfast and TV.

Now it was time for lunch and you couldn't decide what to make. You've been standing in front of the fridge for so long that you've been thinking about ordering take out.

A loud ringing brought you back to reality. Your phone was going off in the living room. You let out a sigh and closed the fridge.

We're not done yet, you thought and gave it a quick death stare.

Your phone was still ringing and you wondered who this could be. Normally people would hang up after a while.

When you reached it you saw it was your boyfriend Donnie.

Oh God, I hope nothing bad happened.

He rarely called you and if he did he was usually in trouble. Either fighting someone or he blew up his lab - again. 

"Donnie? What's going on? Are you okay?", you asked, not even giving him a chance to say hello.

"It's nice to hear your voice too my love", he answered.

"I'm sorry. But you know I'm always worried about you."

"I know love but I promise you it's nothing bad", he assured you.

"Okay?! What is then?"

"I just wanted to tell you how much I love you"

You smiled. Of course he had told you many times before how he felt about you and that he loved you from the bottom of his heart. But this was definitely a first.

"You're too adorable Donnie. I love you too."

"So what are you doing?"

"Just about to make lunch. Want to come over?"

Maybe Donnie could help you with deciding what to eat. You still hadn't made your mind up yet.

"Sure. I've been in the lab the entire day, I could use some time off", he replied and you could hear him smile.

"I'll be waiting then!"

Both of you said your goodbyes. This day just instantly became better. You went to the kitchen again and took out some pans and pots. You knew exactly what to cook. Donnie's favorite dish of course. He deserved it for being such a good boyfriend and scientist. He'd do anything for you and you'd the same for him.

About ten minutes later you could hear a knock on the window. Of course he was already here, he's a mutant after all.

"Hello there handsome", you smiled when you opened the window.

"Hey angel", he replied and gave you a long and passionate kiss, "I missed you"

"I missed you too. Come in."

Donnie always had some trouble to get into you apartment cause the windows were just too small but he'd manage somehow. As long as he could be with you.

He looked down at you and adjusted his glasses. He smiled before giving you another kiss. As soon as you broke apart he smelled the air. Donnie knew you that were cooking but of course didn't know what.

"I've made your favorite", you smiled.

Donnie's eyes light up, realizing that he was about to get the best dish in ages. Mikey usually only ordered pizza for them but since Donnie met you he has tried some new food here and there.

"You shouldn't have", he said.

"Only the best for you babe", you replied and pushed him to the kitchen, "there's still a lot to do. Want to help?"

"If I can, sure", he answered, looking down at his huge hands.

"We'll find something", you assured him.

He smiled and nodded. You got him to chop up some veggies while you were stirring things here and there. Donnie just looked too adorable. He was so focused that his tongue was sticking out. It was right there in the left corner of his mouth. He didn't want to mess this up, even though it didn't really matter how big he cut the pieces. 

You were standing there, admiring your boyfriend. He was so dorky but you loved it. If he wasn't with his head in his computers he'd always make time for you. Most of the time he'd even combine it, in fact most of the electronics at your place were made by him.

"How you holding up Donnie?"

"Good I think. Is that enough?", he wanted to know, looking at you and pushing his glasses up again.

"Perfect", you replied and gave him a peck on his cheek.

While you were putting everything together he walked up to you and hugged you from behind. His strong arms always made you feel safe and comfy. Donnie placed his head on yours and let out a big sigh. You let go of the spoon for a second and rubbed his arms.

"I love you so much (Y/N)", he whispered.

"I love you more"

He gave your head a sweet little kiss and you proceeded to cook. It was a bit difficult cause Donnie wouldn't let go of you but you somehow managed. You turned around to him and he let a bit lose, still keeping you close though. He placed his hands on your face and cupped your head with them. Donnie pulled you even a bit closer, still looking deeply into your eyes and smiling. You lips touched and both of you were lost in the moment. 

After you two pulled apart he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and gave you a peck on the nose. You giggled.

"You can set the table if you want to, lunch is almost done", you said.

Donnie nodded and you quickly finished whatever was left to do.

"Actually", he said turning around to you, "how about we watch a movie while eating?"

"Sure", you smiled.

You two made your way to the couch and Donnie quickly picked a movie  to watch while you were getting everything ready. You grabbed some more pillows and a blanket to make it extra comfy.

Donnie loved to sit behind you and look over you. You never understood how he could eat like that but he did. His muscly legs were laying on top of yours, his arms were once again around your waist.

You laid back onto his plastron. He placed his head on your neck and cuddled with you. You didn't really care for the movie. You were happy that Donnie was here, making you feel save. 

He kissed you neck which gave you shivers and made you giggle at the same time. You could feel him smile against your shoulder.

"I don't deserve you, do you know that?", he wanted to know.

"Don't say that babe. I love you, forever", you replied.

"I love you too (Y/N). You're my everything."

You spend the rest of the day cuddling on the couch until he unfortunately had to leave again. Donnie would come back for sure. Or he'd send you a cute text as he always. But today you were happy that he called you.

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