TMNT x Reader | Confessing his love

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Leo: He would have planned it for a long time. He wouldn't admit or show it but he was nervous. He, the one always having his mind and thoughts clear, was nervous about telling you how he felt. The place he wanted to take you to: the rooftop where you first saw a sunset together. Now granted, his brothers were there too that day, but he felt so close to you and that's when he fell in love with you. You agreed to meet him there and he got excited. He didn't have anything set up, that would have been too much, think about if you didn't like him back. He didn't want to embarrass himself. When you arrived at the rooftop he got nervous again. You walked towards him, smiling and he just couldn't help but blush. Seeing that made you blush too. "Hi Leo", you said and hugged him. "Hey (Y/N). Thank you for coming", he gave back. "So what is it that you wanted to talk about?", you asked. "Well ...", he started and took your hand, "I ... uhm ... oh I don't know how to say it. I prepared for it you know, even wrote it down and now I can't ...", he mumbled and you stopped him. "Leo, calm down", you smiled, "just say it. First thing that comes to your mind", you encouraged him. He took a deep breath, looked you in the eyes and then said: "I love you." It took you by surprise. You never thought he would feel like that for you. "You ... you do?", you asked. He just nodded, unsure of how to interpret your answer. "I love you too Leo", you confessed. He sighed - what a relief this was - and pulled you closer to kiss you.

Raph: This guy would not plan anything at all. He was nervous though. Like crazy. he didn't wait for the right time, he just wanted to tell you. It took him a while until he was completely sure of his feelings. He might even have spent less time with you than usual, just to see what all of this was about. After all, he's never been in love before so how should he know what those feelings were? He never thought he could fall in love you with, you were one of his best friends, but the more time you spend together, with him and his brothers, the more he liked you. He needed to see you and he needed to see you now. Raph went to your apartment and hoped you were there. "Raph? What are you doing here?", you asked when you saw him at your window. "I needed to talk to you", he said. You hugged each other for quite some time and then you nodded, wanting him to proceed with whatever he wanted to say. "Listen .. I ... well you know you mean a lot to me right?", he started. "Sure", you answered and smiled. "I ..", he started and then growled: "God I'm not good with talking feelings". It was meant more for himself than you but you took the opportunity to get a little closer to him. "Then don't say it. Just ... show or do it?", you asked, not sure what he was going to do. He bend down to you and kissed your lips slightly. "I love you", he said and looked for fear in your eyes. "Finally", you laughed, "I love you too."

Donnie: Donnie could be very shy at times. That basically has to do with the fact that he was constantly in his lab or on his computer, forgetting the world around him. And that's how he tried to get you off of his mind. As soon as his feelings for you started to grow, he wanted to distract himself. But the more you came over, the more you talk and gently touched him, the more he fell for you. He was smart enough to know to fall for everyone cause some people might break your heart but he was SO sure about you. He loved you. But that scared him. To the fact that he rarely talked to you. He was extremely nervous around you and figured telling you his feeling would be a bad idea. The thought of that almost made him puke. No, he needed to show you. So he went to the lab, grabbed his tools and made something for you. Then it was time to confront you. You were happy to come over and spend some time with him, it's been too long. When you arrived at the lair, you found Donnie sitting in his chair, nervously looking from the clock to the doorframe. "There you are", he said once he saw you and came over to greet you. "Hey Donnie", you smiled, "so, what is it?". "I got something for you", he answered and handed you a little box. Inside was a pendant saying "I <3 you". You blinked a few times, touched the engraved part and smiled. "You love me?", you asked just to be sure. "I ... I do", he stuttered. "Good. Cause I love you as well", you gave back.

Mikey: This guy has always and constantly been flirting with you since day one so it was hard for you to tell if he was serious about it or not. He said a lot of "I love hanging out with you (Y/N)" or "I love the way you smell". He used the word love all the time but to think about confessing to you, that was something different. He wasn't even sure if you'd take him for real or just smile about it like usual. He figured the direct approach would be the best so he took all of the courage his body could give him and talked to you. "Hey Angel Cakes", he said while hugging you. "Hey Mikey. How are you?", you wanted to know. "I'm good. Now that you're here", he said and you smiled. Okay, he needed to keep this light hearted. Needed to make you smile, laugh, just anything for you to not run away immediately. "Can I talk to you for a second?", he asked and pointed to his bedroom. "Sure", you shrugged not knowing what was going on. "Listen (Y/N) there is something I need to tell you", he started. "What is it? Are you okay Mikey? Did you get injured or something?", you asked which made him smile. Always out to make sure he's okay. Fuck he really loved you. "No I'm fine baby doll I promise", he said but then frowned. This was the moment. "IthinkIaminlovewithyou", he bursted out without taking a breath. You laughed, and understood him the first time, but wanted to hear it again. "Say what now?" He took a deep breath and repeated it. "Well Mikey, I think I'm in love with you too", you grinned and pulled him in for a kiss.

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