Michelangelo x Reader | Soulmate

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((A/N) Just like the other soulmate AU this is written from Mikey's POV

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((A/N) Just like the other soulmate AU this is written from Mikey's POV. In this, you know you've found your soulmate when you touch them. You see a future with them, future events etc. Also  mutants are kind of accepted in this. Hope you enjoy! 💕)

It's been a long day full of training and getting yelled at from my brothers. They just don't understand that I'm trying. I really am. They just have no patience with me. I always played the happy-go-lucky guy but deep down they pissed me off. A lot.

Thank God there was no patrol tonight. Donnie has a new system that sends a message to all of us in case there's an emergency. I took the time to head to the skate park. It was almost dark and no one was outside. This was an area where rarely people were and I actually appreciated that. No need to be seen. I've had enough bad encounters already. Not because they hated mutants, but because I always said the wrong thing at the wrong time.

As I arrived, happily smiling and excited, I saw someone else at the park. From the distance it looked like a girl. Her hair was blowing in the wind and she seemed to enjoy herself. I got a little closer to her and was impressed. She was such a good skater!

I decided to take a shot at it and went even closer. I knew I could have easily been seen but I didn't care. I was so fascinated by her skills, her outfit, her.

She was standing onto of the ramp and got ready for another ride. Just before she moved she looked into my direction. I was so sure she couldn't see me, it being dark and all.

"You can come out, you know. I know you're there", she said.

Her voice sounded beautiful. I didn't want to mess this up.

"I ... no I'd rather stay here", I said.

"Awh come on. I got a supporter and I don't even know what he looks like. Or are you afraid of the height?", she asked.

"Never", I gave back and laughed.


"I don't look like normal dudes, you know", I admitted.

"So? Are you a mutant?"

Of course she knew about mutants, how could she not. There were quite a few in New York and all over the world. It wasn't anything special, yet some people treated us like shit. 

"Y-Yeah I am"

"Okay, now that we got that outta the way, will you come up?", she asked again.

I shrugged although she couldn't see it. What did I had to lose? She seemed to accept me, right? As soon as I was on the ramp the looked over to me. Gosh, she was beautiful. Her hair was still blowing in the wind and she gave me a big grin as she saw me.

"Hello there. It's about time", she laughed.

"I'm Mikey", I said.

"(Y/N)", she gave back.

"I've never seen you around",

"Actually, I haven't been here in ages. Life just got busy, you know", she answered and smiled. 

I could see how sad that made her.

"Hey it's okay. Look I have brothers who don't even want me to go out", I told her, trying to cheer her up.


"Look at me, I'm a giant turtle"

"So? Out of all the mutants I've seen, you're the best looking one for sure", she answered and then proceeded to ride down the ramp. 

I blushed a little at her compliment but was sure if she actually meant it. Why would she say I'm good looking? Yeah I always tell people that I'm the sexiest out of us four but this was different. 

She was indeed good. Almost better than me. And her tricks - wow. As she came back up she smiled at me and it was then when she lost balance. She fell off her board and landed on the ground.

I jumped down to take care of her. I rushed over to the place where she was sitting, holding her knee. I could immediately see the wound she had.

"Oh my God, are you okay?"

"I - I guess", she said looking up to me in shock, "that has never happened. Well at least not in the past five years or so."

"Don't worry about it, accidents happen. Thank God nothing is broken."

She nodded and tried to get up, not putting any pressure on her leg.

"Here, let me help you", I said and reached to her.

As soon as our hands touched I felt weird. My mind was playing tricks on me. I've had visions of (Y/N) and me: us holding hands, us laughing on the couch and fuck ... was that a baby? This, no this could not be real. She was my soulmate? 

"Did ... did you see that too?", she whispered, bringing me back to reality.

I gasped. She was my soulmate.

"Holding hands, babies and all? Yeah", I answered, rubbing the back of my neck.

"I can't believe I've found you", she said.

"You have no idea how happy I am that I came to the park today, (Y/N)."

She smiled at me and gave me a big hug. God, she smelled and felt so nice. I never wanted to part with her. 

"Let's get to know each other", she smiled. 

"Alright", I gave back and lifted her up bridal style.

She giggled as I carried her over to a nearby bench.

"Tell me everything about you", I whispered and meant it.

I wanted to spend every single minute of my life with this girl and I could tell she wanted the same thing. 

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