TMNT | Karaoke? #2

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How they react to you doing karaoke

They would be so impressed and proud of you. Yes, you talk quite a lot when you're around them / in the lair but actually singing? In front of everyone? That was something else. Also, your voice was perfection. They could listen to you all day long. The songs you chose will always be in their head. Speaking of songs, depending on what you chose, they would ask you to sing it over and over and over again. Especially if it's love songs or something with a very deep lyrics. They might even learn the lyrics so they could sing along to it in their head. After you were done singing, they'd be the first to jump up and clap for you. And no one, I mean NO ONE, should interrupt you. They wanted to hear your voice from start to finish without anyone talking in-between.

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