TMNT x Reader | Baking Cookies

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Leo: This turtle here loves cooking. Now granted he wasn't the best but he tried. He could make some grilled cheese. And pasta. But baking? "Angel, are you sure you want to do this?", he asked, worry in his voice. After you assured him that yes you were sure and no nothing could go wrong, he finally agreed. He was all about team play so both of you worked together. But then again he was a complete gentleman and didn't want you to work too much. You decided that you'd do 50/50 with him being the one eating the left-over dough. His face when he tasted it made up for everything: he loved it. "I can't believe we made this", Leo said, fascinated by everything. You reached for his hand, which still had dough on his finger, and placed said one in your mouth. You wanted some dough too and God, Leo loved what you did with your tongue.

Raph: "Ugh", was his initial reaction. Don't get me wrong, he loved eating and Lord knows he could he a whole horse (not literally) but cooking? Baking to be exact? Don't make him soft. But then again, he can't say no to you, especially with the puppy eyes you give him. "If you tell someone ...", he said. He got up from the couch and made his way to the kitchen. Despite you telling him how much fun this will be, he was a grumpy mess. "You know I'm not good at stuff like that, babe", he said. However Raph was admiring you. How you stood there with your hair tied up, your hands working that dough. He still couldn't believe how such delicate hands could be so strong. You were so focused that it made him smile. When you saw that you smiled back and gave him a kiss. But not before leaving a flour hand print on his shorts - you just HAD to touch his butt. 

Donnie: Donnie was harder to get into the kitchen than his brothers. He was working on something fancy again and didn't realize how long he's been in his lab. "Cookies? Now?", he wanted to know. After begging for a while he let out a big sigh. "Well I guess it can't hurt right?", he said, taking you hand and leading you to the kitchen. Donnie enjoyed baking. Mainly because he could try out some new things? Covering something in chili-chocolate? Yes. Or cranberry-chocolate-mago jam? Totally. Something with mint? LOVE. He'd basically mix anything that he'd think taste good and if it didn't, it needed a bit more fine-tuning. That calls for Professor Donatello. You were always surprised to see how invested he was. He was also good at decorating. Mostly with chocolate. Sometime he'd make little figurines out of it to put on a cake. You'd definitely learn something from and with him and hours would feel like minutes.

Mikey: As soon as you mentioned you wanted to bake cookies, he was up and running. "Are you coming sweet cheeks or nah?", he screamed from the kitchen. You laughed at got up. Mikey just LOVED eating. Given the fact that his brothers (and Splinter) told him they can't just survive on pizza - although he strongly disagreed - he was cooking a few things for himself here and there. Bless his heart, he was trying so hard but it just didn't taste as good as he wanted it to. You were a good girlfriend though so you smiled through the pain. He wanted to make everything himself. "Just tell me what to do and I'll try my best", he said and smiled. He loved listening to you, especially when it comes to cooking. With Mikey, you'd have fun in the kitchen and occasionally a flour fight. 

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