TMNT x Reader | Sacrificing yourself to save them

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Imagine this: You were out with the turtles, training to become a little stronger and to finally be able to fight. Mikey and Donnie would go easy on you while Raph and Leo wanted to see your full potential. You were on a rooftop and while you were fighting one turtle, the other three watched and gave you tips on how to defeat your opponent.

All of a sudden you were surrounded by the foot clan. After a few seconds the boys were ready and did the usual: Leo was still working out a plan, Mikey swinging his nunchucks, Donnie poking people with his bo staff and Raph, well he just punched the shit out of everyone. Given the fact that you did gain a bit of experience you tried to help as best as possible.

"If someone turns their back, hit them hard in the head (Y/N)", Leo said.

You nodded and prepared yourself. The weapon of your choice was ... pliers. One day, when the boys announced you could train with them, you grabbed the first thing in your dad's toolbox and left the house to get to the sewers. Because swords and sai were a bit too scary.

Occasionally the boys would push a dude into your direction so you could do the rest but they mostly took the foot out by themselves.

You're not going to lie: you liked this. Yeah you might not be much of a help but at least you did SOMETHING. It felt like you were finally accepted to the family.

The fight went on and on and there was so ending in sight. It seemed like one foot solider was defeated and two more appeared.

"HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?", Raph growled.

You could see all them were getting tired. They were sweating, breathing heavy, injured. You hoped for a fast ending. You just wanted to get home and take care of them, leave all of this behind.

"We got this!Just keep on fighting!", Leo screamed.

He was right. There were only a few left to beat. You had all of them in sight but your boyfriend was your main priority. You could see how one foot solider was sneaking in from the left with a gun in his hand. Pointing at your boyfriend. He held it up and was getting to shoot. 

"NOOOOO", you yelled and ran as fast as you could. 

You pushed your boyfriend away and immediately felt a sharp pain in your ribs. 

"(Y/N)!" he screamed and caught you.

You were in complete shock. You stared at him with eyes wide open. Not realizing what just happened.

"What were you thinking?", your boyfriend asked.

You couldn't answer. You tried to calm yourself down and catch your breathe. It wasn't easy. You felt how your body was getting weaker.

Your boyfriend was kneeling next to you, holding your head in his hands. 

"Stay with me", he said, trying to get the hair out of your face.

You said his name. It was more like a whisper but he understood it nonetheless.

"Don't speak baby girl, everything will be fine", he said, smiling at you.

"It ... hurts", you said.

"I know, we'll fix you up. We'll get you to lair and you'll be fit soon. I promise. You just got to stay with me, okay?", he replied.

You were in so much pain and it was hard to keep your eyes open. You were out of breath, each inhale hurting more than the one before.

"I love you", you whispered, a single tear running down your face.

"I love you too angel", he replied.

There he was: tears in his eyes, sweaty, out of breath. All of that didn't matter, he wanted to be with you. He held you close, kissed your face and told you over and over again that everything will be okay.

"Don't you die on me (Y/N)", he said, slowly getting frustrated, "you are not allowed to. Do you hear me. Don't fucking die on me."

You could barely hear or see him anymore. He held you by your shoulders and shook you for a while. His frustration was growing bigger and bigger. 

"Come on!", he screamed, holding you head against his chest.

"Don't go baby, please. I love you and need you", he said.

Tears running down his face. He let out a huge growl, full of pain and anger. This cannot be happening. Not now, not ever.

Your body was limb and your pulse barely there but he wouldn't and couldn't let go of you. He was rocking your body back and forth. Like in trance. He loved you so much. More than anything else in his life. Why would you do that? Jumping between him and a bullet? Risking your like for a turtle? And then it hit him: pure love. You loved him. You wouldn't want him to get hurt. You'd rather die than have him in pain.

You were not responsive right now but he still talked to you, trying to get you to a safe place, being with you until the very end. You deserved it for saving his life and showing him what love could do. It made him a better turtle. YOU made him a better turtle.


BONUS: You've survived.

You woke up from what felt like the worst and longest nightmare in the world. You slowly opened you eyes and tried to figure out where you were. Definitely Donnie's lab. You've been laying on this table a million times because you tend to get cuts or bruises, guess that comes with living with ninjas. You could feel some pressure on your right hand and when you looked you saw your boyfriend sitting in a chair next to you. He was holding your hand while his head was resting on his forearm. He looked so peaceful when he slept and snored lightly. You just couldn't help yourself and squeezed his hand a bit.

He immediately woke up and looked at you. He was a bit confused at first, blinking a few times, but then his eyes widened.

"You're awake", he whispered and smiled.

He jumped up and kissed your forehead.

"You have no idea how much I've been wanting that, angel."

You slowly lifted yourself up, being in a bit of pain.

"Here let me help you", he said.

He put his hands underneath your hands and gently lifted you up.

"Are you comfortable?"

"Yes", you nodded.

His eyes were filling with tears again.

"What happened?", you wanted to know.

"You've got shot princess. You went in-between me and the bullet. Trying to save my life, which you did, but you almost didn't make it", he said, the memories coming back to his mind.

You remembered. Not a lot but still. 

"You were out for almost 2 months baby", he continued.

"I'm sorry", you said.

"What for?"

He looked surprised and raised his eyebrows.

"For causing you so much trouble", you replied.

Your voice wasn't loud but you wanted it to be strong. Your boyfriend let out a little laugh. 

"Don't be sorry for anything baby girl. I need to apologize for putting you in such a situation. I should have seen that foot soldier. I should have been more careful, there was no need for you to jump in", he said.

"I wanted to, I couldn't stand seeing you get hurt", you answered, touching his face.

"You're too good for me (Y/N). I don't deserve you."

"You would have done the same for me."

"Within a heartbeat", he said and kissed you.

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