TMNT x Reader | Silence & new hair

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((A/N) I feel like all the guys would have a similar reaction

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((A/N) I feel like all the guys would have a similar reaction. Some might cry more (Mikey, you're guilty) than others but it came down to the same thing. Especially when they loved you with all of their heart! Enjoy! 💕)

You never really fought with your boyfriend. You both loved each other to much to let little arguments turn into huge fights but this time was different. You argued about him always fighting the bad guys, without thinking twice. You were concerned. Yes, he and his brothers were skilled ninjas but something could always go wrong. He stood by his point and you got mad. He wouldn't even listen to you. When you had enough of all the screaming you just left. You needed some time off. You ignored his calls and visits for a whole week, even getting a hair cut in between. If he does what he wants then you can do it too.

He would be a mess. He never ever wanted to fight with you but when you did he was devastated. He immediately apologized to you, not meaning what he said during that fight. But when you left without a word, leaving him behind, he cried for such a long time. He called you, left you text messages and visited you every single night. Although you didn't want to see him, it felt good knowing that he cared. 

He would have spend most of his time meditating, working out or sleeping. When he slept he missed you. You beside him, your smell, your touch. He wanted to hold you and kiss you. Cuddle you until you fell asleep but you weren't there. He didn't know how much longer he could live like that. But then again, he was smart. He knew you needed some alone. He messed up big time and it was time for a huge apology.

When you arrived at the lair you were nervous. Nervous how he would react, nervous cause you didn't know what to say or do. But then again, he was still your boyfriend and it should be easy to apologize, right? 

You knew their schedules too well and knew where exactly you'd find him. When you did, you gently knocked on the door frame to not scare the shit out of him.

"How many times do I have to tell you I don't want to -", he started and turned around.

As soon as he saw you, he stopped and just looked at you.

"(Y/N)?", he said.

"Hi", you answered shyly.

"What are you doing here?", he wondered.

"I wanted to apologize", you said.

He blinked a few times. Making a few steps towards you. He wasn't sure what to do in this situation or what to answer.

"Apologize?" he repeated.

"Yeah. For letting you wait so long and for fighting in the first place", you started.

"No no no I have to apologize. I should have listened to you. You just want my best and I completely ignored everything you said. I shouldn't have leashed out on you. You didn't deserve that", he said, letting all his emotions go.

You couldn't help but hug him. When you did his whole body relaxed and you felt at home. 

"I thought I lost you", he sobbed.

"Why would you think that?", you said, holding his head in your hands, "you will never lose me."

He smiled and locked eyes with you.

"I love you. Will you accept my apology?"

"Will you except mine?", you asked.

"Already have", he nodded.

"I love you too"

After a long kiss he broke apart to look at you.

"I really love that hair cut", he said.

"You do?", you asked surprised.

"Sure. It's not a long as it used to be but I can still play with it", he gave back.

And with that he put a strand of hair behind your ear. 

"You always look amazing", he said.

"You too"

You hugged and kissed again, happy that everything was over.

"Let's show the boys your new hair cut", he laughed.

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