TMNT x Reader | Your brother

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"Okay guys, is everything clean?", Leo asked for the 50838th time

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"Okay guys, is everything clean?", Leo asked for the 50838th time.

"Yes Leo, would you calm down now?", Raph wanted to know.

"Yeah you've been pacing around for like hours dude", Mikey chimed in.

"Look, (Y/N)'s brother is coming over today. We rarely have people over and as far as I know, he's protective of her", Leo said.

"So are we", Raph answered.

Oh and how they were. No one should dare getting near or hurt you. But your brother was something else. At first you didn't even tell him you were hanging out with guys, let alone turtles. He wouldn't have believe you anyway. But the more and more mutants roamed this city, he kind of believed anything. Heck if you told him Santa was real, he'd probably agree. It took you a while to confess to him and when you did he was mad. You could have been hurt by them, they live in the sewers, they're mutants for fucks sake!! But you calmed him down. Actually you calmed him down so much that he agreed to meet them.

You were so nervous. You knew how your brother was and how the turtles were. Raph and him would totally clash. You just hoped for the best.

"They actually live in the sewers, I can't believe it", he said for the 12th time.

"It's not that bad really", you gave back.

"It's still the sewers (Y/N)", he said.

You shook your head. If this would continue like that, you'd be home sooner than you thought.

"Just be nice", you told him.

"I always am."

As soon as you entered the lair you knew something was up: it was actually clean. You could already see Leo commanding everyone to get off their ass and clean. No comics, no weapons, heck not even pizza boxes were anywhere to be seen.

"Guys?", you yelled.

They soon came out from wherever they were hiding, looking nervous. You gave them a big, encouraging smile. You introduced everyone and hoped for the best. Leo still looked nervous, Donnie was observing your brother, Raph looked like he was ready to pick a fight and Mikey, well he smiled.

"Nice to finally meet you bro", he said.

"Don't know if it's really nice", your brother gave back and put his arm around you.

„Charming", Raph growled.

„Watch your mouth turtle boy", you brother said.

Oh no. Raph stretched his neck from left to right, giving it a big crack and then he slowly walked towards you two.

„Who you calling turtle boy, punk?"

Raph was easily a head taller than your brother but he didn't seem to care.

„How about we all calm down?", you suggested, going between the two and trying to keep them apart by placing your hand on their chests.

„We ordered pizza", Mikey chimed in.

You smiled, you could always trust him to lighten the mood.

„Please, you promised", you said looking at your brother.

„If no one gets too close to you, fine", he gave back.

„No need to be scared", Leo said a bit more sarcastically than he wanted.

„I'm not scared. I'm just protecting my sister."

„So are we", Donnie said.

After a quick glance at all of them, your brother finally agreed to pizza. This would be a long evening and you hoped there wouldn't be blood.

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