Michelangelo x Reader | Depression

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((A/N) You mean the ADHD and depression right? 💕 I decided to put a little of my personal experience in this so TRIGGER WARNING: bullying, depression, suicidal thoughts

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((A/N) You mean the ADHD and depression right? 💕 I decided to put a little of my personal experience in this so TRIGGER WARNING: bullying, depression, suicidal thoughts. Enjoy 💕)

You were worried. A lot. You've got a test from Leo asking to come over. Leo never texted you. So it either had to be done in private or he really needed help. You rushed over to the lair since it concerned Mikey, your boyfriend. 

You thought he set the kitchen on fire while trying to make pizza, trashed the TV because he lost in a game or broke an ankle while skateboarding ... but it was nothing like that.

"He's been in there for hours", Leo explained while bringing you to Mikey's bedroom.

"Do you know why?", you wanted to know.

He shrugged and looked sad. This was weird, Mikey was rarely like that.

"Maybe you can get him outta there", Leo suggested and left you alone.

You took a deep breathe before knocking on his door.

"Mikey? Are you okay?"

No answer. You put your ear to the door to hear whether he was listening to music or not.

"Babe?", you said, "please open the door."

It took him a few seconds before he opened and he looked like a mess. He looked sad and like he cried.

"What are you doing here angel cakes?", he asked.

"Leo texted me. Are you okay?"

"I guess", he shrugged.

You pushed him into his room again and looked around. The room looked normal, normal as in a mess, but it smelled like he hasn't left the room in days.

"What happened?"

"Nothing", he smiled.

You could immediately tell that something was off. Mikey was not his usual happy self. He acted depressed.

"Tell me Mikey, please", you said and sat on the couch.

"I'm just a bit down okay?"

"Is that all?"

"Sure, don't worry babe", he said and kissed you.

"Why are you down?"

"The boys. They always make fun of him. Of how small I am, of how stupid I am. Fuck, I am not stupid you know. Maybe a bit slow but when you explain it to me I understand. They always treat me like a baby", he bursted out.

Of course you knew how his brothers treated him. But you never thought it would make him THIS sad.

"Why don't you say something then? Tell them to stop?"

"They won't listen. Who am I anyway? Just Mikey, happy-go-fucking-lucky Mikey", he said.

"You're the most amazing person I've ever met Mikey. And you don't deserve this. If it bother you you should speak up. I can do it too if you want to", you said.

"It's fine. I'll just play the happy guy all the time and no one will notice."

You pulled him into a tight hug. You hated seeing him like that although it was the first time you did. 

"I actually kinda know how you feel Mikey. I've played the happy girl a lot of time too", you said.

He looked up to you in surprise.


You nodded and took a deep breathe.

"I was actually bullied in school. People made fun of me for ... well being me. They made fun of my clothes, the fact that I loved reading and most of all my nose", you started.

"Your ... your nose?", he said.


You smiled at him, trying to hide the emotions that came back to the surface. 

"How could anyone bully you? You are perfect angel!", he exclaimed.

"Thank you Mikey. But those words and years of bullying hurt me so much I can barely take a compliment."

"What did you do? Against the bullies I mean?", he got a a little closer and put his arm around you.

"Nothing. I was too shy and didn't want them to bully me even more. Could you imagine? She's too weak to fight for herself and has to tell the teacher. I didn't even tell my parents", you looked down at your hands while tears were running down your face, " I remember one day I got home from school and went to my room to cry my eyes out. I was so close to commit suicide but I somehow didn't do it."

Mikey was completely silent. 

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to -", you started but Mikey interrupted you.

"I'm happy you didn't kill yourself angel. I ... I've been depressed for so long but you've already helped me so much with it. By being there for me. Whenever I needed you. I might need to grow some balls and tell the boys how I feel. That I'm not stupid, that I'm strong and that they should take me for real", he said.

"Learn from my past, Mikey", you said and wiped away your tears.

"We're in this together okay? I'll help you and you'll help me. It might take me a while to get normal, if even, but I know I'm stronger with you", he answered and kissed you.

"You're not alone Mikey, never, okay? And if you ever feel depressed again, call me ASAP."

He nodded and pulled you into a kiss. Then you laid down on his bed, cuddling and talking a bit more about you being bullied. It took you a while to fully open up to him but it felt good.

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