TMNT x Reader | Reacting to you biting / sucking their lip

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Leo: Leo would be totally surprised by it. He was completely in the zone, focusing on kissing you, making you feel good. He wanted to enjoy the moment, you're his first girlfriend and he wants to know exactly what you like and what not. So when you bit his lips he looked at you surprised. "Do that one more time and I bite your tongue off", he whispered in your ear. You wanted to tease him and did exactly what he said. He then grinned at you and continued to kiss, being a bit more harsh and occasionally bite you back.

Raph: This turtle would love it. Normally he's the dominate one and likes to get things started but when you bit his lip in a steamy make out session he let out a big growl. He'd press himself even harder into you, holding your hands above your head and bite your lip back. He never thought it would be a turn on to have you more dominate than him but oh Lord he LOVED it.

Donnie: I feel like lip sucking would be one of Donnie's kinks. He always looks innocent or with his heads in the computers but he'd like lip sucking. When you did it for the first time he moaned and this the same thing right back. It was in the heat of the moment and surely won't happen every single time you two kissed but when it did, you enjoyed it.

Mikey: We all know Mikey is always completely fun in bed, in life, while kissing. He'd kiss you everywhere: the lips, your nose, your cheeks, your forehead. You wanted to get a reaction out of him so bit sucked on his lips - hard. He moaned a little and laid on top of you. Mikey would cup your face with his hands and look you deeply in the eyes. "Do that again Angel Cakes", he'd say. You do as told and he kissed you back, hard. Ready to take it to the next level.

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