Donatello x Reader | Flirting

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You were standing in the kitchen, currently trying to cook something from he few things you've found in the boys's fridge

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You were standing in the kitchen, currently trying to cook something from he few things you've found in the boys's fridge. You had no idea how long you've been standing there but all of a sudden you felt like you're being watched. You took a quick glance over your shoulder to see your boyfriend Donatello stay in the door frame.

After giving him a big smile you turned back to finish dinner. Donnie walked up to you, hugging you from behind. 

"Good evening my love. Can't decided what's more delicious, you or the food", he said and kissed your cheek.

"Hello there handsome. You're in such a good mood today, huh? Why are you out of the lab? It's not even 8!", you smiled.

"Figured I could use something to eat."

"Wow, you noticed that? Usually you go hours without eating."

He gently put all of your hair to one side while kissing the now free side of your neck. You giggled a little. 

"How did your experiment go?"

"Good, I've made a huge progress", he said, still standing behind you and making no movements to leave.

"Everything growing the way it should?"

He was working on some antidote and needed to see if everything worked out the way he planned it. He's been working on that for weeks.

"Yeah, everything is growing nice and beautiful. But not as beautiful as you", he answered and turned you around to face him.

Donnie gently kissed you and them smiled. This was so not like him but you weren't mad. 

"How about we take it to the bedroom?", he wanted to know.

"Oh", you raised an eyebrow, "who will cook dinner then?"

"Let Leo do that. Or even Raph I don't care", he grinned.

"Mhm. But I bet they won't be pleased."

"Please, love. Just once", he begged.

"Donnie ... look as soon as I'm done with cooking we can head to the bedroom okay? Just let me finish this", you said.

"Fine", he grinned, "but let me help you. It'll be much faster."

He gave you another kiss, rough and deep, and then proceeded to cook. You couldn't help but smile. You loved flirty and horny Donnie.

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