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Elemental Steve x Rainbow Steve

To let you guys know, I'm trying Cryptic Elemental out. 

Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel


Rainbow and Elemental were out on a walk while Sabre was building a machine to transfer Rainbow's power to Elemental so he can then help Rainbow regain the energy he lacks.

"How long do you think it will take for Sabre to finish?" Elemental ask.

Rainbow thought for a moment, "Not too long, but he's going to ensure everything is in order and is safe for the both of us so it might be longer than usual. Besides, he's a little rusty since he hasn't built one in a while"

"That explains why he told us to go on a walk" The Steves chuckle. Sabre was getting irritated while building the machine and them asking question did not help him at all. Eventually he snapped and told them to do or go somewhere so he can concentrate.

"I must admit, he is a interesting one" Elemental commented.

"Because he's human" Rainbow smirk. That's what everyone says about Sabre. 

Elemental chuckle and nodded, "Indeed, I only of two humans out of this whole world"

"Yeah, humans are odd beings, but very funny and helpful" 

"Yes, they are interesting creatures", Elemental stop under a large oak tree with Rainbow not too far behind him, "but do you know who else is an interesting creature?"

"Who?" Rainbow ask clueless.

Elemental look down at Rainbow and cup one of his cheeks with his hand, "You"

A bright red blush cross Rainbow face as he averted his eyes away from Elemental's gold eyes, "I, um uh. W-what d-do you m-mean?"

"Well for one thing, you have tremendous power. No Steve can be so low on energy and still function correctly. Another thing is that you are made of several Steves and your powers are at equilibrium though they should cancel out one anther." With every word Elemental said, he got closer to Rainbow who backed himself into the oak tree.

Rainbow felt his heart beat so fast that he thought it would burst, "Lastly, you intrigue me to do something I did not expect to do"

"W-what is t-that?" 

Elemental leaned and whispered in Rainbow's ear, "This"

The next thing Rainbow knew was a pair of lips on his and Elemental's arms around his waist bringing him closer to the taller Steve. Elemental broke the kiss and laid his head on Rainbow's shoulder as the colorful one was still trying to process what just happen.

"I must apologize for my actions, but I simple couldn't resist: you were too tempting" Elemental said.

He heard Rainbow muttered something, but couldn't hear it, "Rainbow, might you repeat that?" Elemental pull away and stared into Rainbow's light red eyes with a small smirk.

"I-I said I l-liked it" Rainbow muttered a bit louder for Elemental to hear.

"I'm glad you did" Elemental then ran his hand through Rainbow's red hair, "We should continue this soon little bow."

Rainbow blushed at Elemental's words and even harder when Elemental held his hand as they walk back to where Sabre was building the machine. Though they got there a few minutes later than expected since Elemental decided to get Rainbow to get the brightest red possible with his words and kisses.


Word count: 553   

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