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Red Steve x 09Sharkboy

Requested by Killfun2005


Shark, Unspeakable (calling him Nathan) and Moose were about to do a 'Do Not Laugh' challenge when Nathan noticed something odd looking on top of a hill.

"Um guys, what's that?" Nathan pointed to redstone blocks that did not belong at all.

"Uh should we investigate?" Moose asked the other two whom agree and walk over to it. When they got on the top of the hill, there was so much more leading into a cave.

"I've got a bad feeling about this" Shark said.

"Same" Moose and Nathan said.

Being the curious humans that they are, they went into the cave and followed the redstone path that lead deeper and deeper. It did not take much to cause them to jump, so when they heard a voice that belong to no one they started to panic.


"What was that?!" Shark yelled.

"Welcome to my little base..."

"I don't know, but I got a bad feeling" Moose said as he started to back away.

"Oh? I did not expect there to be more..."

"We should get out now" The trio started to run out of the cave.

"Your visit was short, but one of you will not be leaving..."

"Go Go Go Go!" Shark yelled leading the group; however, his lead did not last long as he was grabbed and pulled away.

"Shark!" Moose yelled.

Shark was grabbed by a Red Steve who had a tight hold on the human.

"You just got here Shark, don't you want to stay" Red smiled at the fear filled human.

"Oi, let my bro go!" Moose growled pulling out a stone sword to fight.

Red look up at them with a frown, "I'm sorry, but I thought you two were leaving" 

"Not without Shark" Nathan stepped up.

The grip Red had on Shark tighten getting a groan from the human, "I insist for you two leave, your friend here has my protection, but you two don't have any"

Moose was about to say something when him and Nathan were pulled away by Red's minions and were taken away from their friend. They called for each other until they could not even hear each others echo. 

Red petted Shark's hair to sooth, "Your friends will be fine, they will just put them outside of the cave. Unless I say so, they will protect this place by any means nesararry"

"W-what do you want?" Shark shook.

"I'm not going to do anything to you, I promise" Red said. He turned Shark so he was facing him and left his hands to his sides, "I'm sorry for scaring you and your friends with no reason at all"

"It's okay, I guess. Anyways why did you do all this?" Shark questioned.

"I've been watching you recently, not in a creepy way I promise. You're just an interesting person, yes your friends are interesting, but you caught my eye."

"O-Oh" Shark blushed.

"And I was wondering if we could hang out some time?" Red asked nervously. Right now he was thankful he was a Red Steve.

"I um, uh sure. Just promise not to do this" Shark guestured to the cave, "It's kind of creepy"

Red eyes widen, "Oh! Sorry, I'm just not use to talking to people especially if it's someone I um like hehe. Living in a cave most of your life does things to you."

Both laughed awkwardly seeing how this turned out.

"Sooo, when can I come and get you?" Red ask to get rid of the awkwardness in the air.

"After I tell my friends that everything is okay" Shark smiled.

"Of course" Red lead Shark out of the cave, "By the way, you can come by anytime. My minions won't do anything to harm you"

The two reached the entrance of the cave where Red held Shark's hands.

"I am sorry about all of this" Red said guilty.

Shark smiled and hugged Red, "All is forgiven"

Red was surprised, but hugged Shark back when he realized what he was doing.

"This will take a bit for me to get use to" Red mumbled loud enough for Shark to hear. 

Shark rubbed Red's back, "It's okay. You'll get use to it soon enough"


Word count: 715

Requests remain: 1

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