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Origin Steve x Rainbow Steve

I don't know how this will go because Origin and Rainbow, as far as I know, haven't interacted with each other. 

So Rainbow is alive, but was teleport somewhere far away.

Requested by Classicgalixy


After Void hit Rainbow with a blast, Rainbow was teleport somewhere far away from Sabre and Galaxy. The color Steve woke up in a small crater in a forest. When Rainbow tried to get up, he felt pain shot up arm and held it with his other arm. Once the pain subdued, Rainbow tried to get up then look at his surroundings.

"Sabre? Galaxy? Is anyone there?" Rainbow called, but no one came. He walk for a bit though he felt his wounds from the blast, his body was begging him to rest, but he couldn't, he had to find Sabre. 

Rainbow couldn't take it any more and sat under a tree. He was about to fall asleep when he heard the shuffling in bushes.

"H-Hello?" Rainbow stuttered not knowing what was never him. As the sound got closer, Rainbow moved back until his back hit the tree.

'Please let it be someone friendly'  Rainbow hoped.

"Is someone there?" A voice ask. A Steve appeared out of the bushes in front of Rainbow.

"W-Who are you?" Rainbow ask.

The Steve look over Rainbow and notice his injuries, "Do you need some assistance?"

"A-answer my q-question"

"Realex, I'm Origin and I won't hurt you"

Rainbow felt something off about Origin, but he whimpered when he accidently rubbed one of his wounds. Origin went over and got out some items to patch up Rainbow.

Rainbow winced when Origin patch him up, but he knew it had to be done. The two took this time to talk. Origin told him simple things, but never told him the truth about who he truly is. Rainbow notice that Origin would let his hands linger places where he patch up, but did not question it. 

Once Origin was done, he help Rainbow up, but nether of them expect for Rainbow's legs to give out causing him to fall into Origin's chest.

"S-Sorry" Rainbow blushed.

"It's quite fine" Origin pull Rainbow close to him and put his head on top Rainbow's smelling his hair, "You smell nice"

"Thanks? I-I guess" Rainbow did not know how to respond to Origin's actions. As for Origin, he nuzzled his head in Rainbow's neck smelling more of that sweet smell of flowers.

"So sweet" Origin gave Rainbow's neck a little lick causing the Steve to jump and let out a small yelp.

"You're so sweet and cute" Origin chuckle moving away from Rainbow's neck seeing his flushed face.

"Uhhh" Rainbow had no words.

Origin kissed Rainbow's head, "Let's go find you friends little Bow"


Word count: 470

Requests remaining: 2

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