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Evil Steve x Emkay

I'm just going to call Evil Steve ES, you'll probably see why.

Requested by and thanks to VanaTheDevilishAngel

I got a bit of inspiration from reading his/her oneshot book since I didn't have an idea for this one. To my knowledge, this does not relate with any of their oneshots so I ain't a copier. Also Emma is based on her MC skin.


Shark and Emma were walking through a birch forest with a basket and blanket in hand. They had decided to take advantage of this nice day by having a picnic on an open field that Shark found earlier that was covered with all sorts of flowers. Afterwards they would try to find either Rainbow or Boss. During their walk, Emma felt someone watching them, mainly her. She asked Shark if he felt the same thing, he said yes, but said to ignore it as this happened to him multiple times before. Deciding to take her friend's advice, Emma ignored the feeling.

Soon they arrived at the open field that was supposed to be a flowery place, except all the flowers were replaced with tall grass.

"What the-?" Shark said looking at the field, "It was covered with flowers last time I was here!"

"How long ago was that?" Emma asked hoping it was a while ago.

Shark had a fear filled expression, "A week ago"

Having dealt with creepy stuff like this before, both humans knew it was either a Steve at work or Shark going crazy. At this point they hoped for the latter, but with their luck. Being the curious humans, they investigated the area while staying close as possible though it was a bit difficult since they couldn't see through the grass.

"Have you found anything Emma?" Shark yelled.

When he didn't get an answer, he looked around him to find his fiery haired friend only to find that she was not around.

"Emma! Emma where are you?! Emma!" Shark shouted and ran around hoping to hear his friend's voice at least.

Meanwhile, Emma found a cave that had grass blocks and flowers inside. She entered with caution and was a few feet inside when she heard Shark calling for her. Turning back where she came, the red-eyed girl found the way out was blocked by cobble and her luck only got worse as she had no tools to break or defend herself.

"Shark!" Emma yelled hoping her friend hears her, "Shark! I'm trapped in a cave! Help!"

After a few minutes, Emma decided to try to find her own way out since she was too far for Shark to hear her. Looking through her bag, Emma found she had a few torches, two sticks, a crafting table and some steak. Taking a deep breath, Emma walked further in the cave. As she went deeper into the cave, she started to see more and more flowers majority of which were roses and a black flower that seemed dead yet alive at the same time.

Emma walked towards one of the dead flowers, trying to get a better look at it, and was about to touch it when.


A voice from the shadows spoke.

"Wh-Who's there?" Emma said in fear.

The fiery haired girl looked around her, but her eyes landed on a dark figure who had red eyes darker than her own. The human started to back up in fright, the Steve in front of her was none other than ES. She had heard from Shark that ES was an evil Steve and caused him some trouble months ago. Emma backed away from the Steve, and, for some reason, ES' eyes widen. Emma then accidently tripped over her feet causing her to fall, the Steve reached out to grab Emma, but there was no time. Preparing to hit the hard ground Emma closed her eyes, but instead of feeling the cold ground, she felt someone behind her wrap their arms around her and heard a muffled scream.

Emma turned her head to see that ES was holding her and was on top of a patch of those black flowers. It took ES everything not to scream as he got off the flowers while holding the human girl.

"C-Can you l-let me g-go?" Emma asked. She was both sacred and confused about the dark Steve.

ES only shook his head as he put an arm under Emma's legs so he was carrying her bridal style. In response, the ferry hair girl wrapped her arms around the Steve's neck, not that he minded. ES then started to walk.

"Wh-Where we g-going?"

No response.

"Wh-what were those bl-black f-flowers? Emma asked curious to what they were and why ES saved her.

ES didn't say anything for a few minutes, then he said two words.

"Wither roses"

"Wither roses?" Emma mumbled to herself. She knows about the wither effect, and knew it does not affect humans badly, but what makes wither roses different.

While Emma was lost in her thoughts, ES continued to walk, purposely avoiding the withered roses. He believes that the humans girl has no knowledge about the flower as it was found rarely in the Overworld. Eventually they reached an exit where ES let Emma down, but did not let go.

"Do not come back to this cave, there are things in there that hurt humans more than usual" ES said before letting Emma go.

Emma watch as ES walk away deeper into the cave until she couldn't see him any more. She then walked out of the cave and came face to face with the sun setting.

"Emma!" A familiar voice called out.


The friends got back together once again.

"Emma, I'm so glad you're safe" Shark signed out in relief.

"Me too, I got lost in a cave some how" Emma laughed leaving the part of ES out.

"What!" Shark screamed, "Please tell me you didn't touch black roses in there."

"Um no, why?"

"I ran into a traveler and found out that this place has tons of withered roses, they make you have slowness and give you the wither effect! They told me that it was as dangerous as facing a wither skeleton. I was afraid that you went in a cave since nether of us knew about it"

Emma's eyes widen, ES had saved her from falling on top of a bunch of them and hurt himself in the process.

"Em? Are you okay?" Shark asked concern.

"I-I'm fine, we should go home now" Emma smiled.

The brunette nodded and followed his fiery haired friend.

Unknowing to them, a figure stood just outside of the cave and had listen to their conversation. He was glad the human girl was safe, but he was sad that she had to go. In one of his hands was a red rose, something that was meant for the girl he saved minutes ago.


Word count: 1120

Requests remaining: 24

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