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Negative Steve x Red Steve

Set before Posmare Part 2 when Negative and Red first met

Requested by XxRoboticLauncherxX


Negative signed to himself, his brother and best friend were shopping in the market while he stayed outside not wanting to be in crowds. Him and Positive were known to be 'special' Steves with 'amazing' powers just because they are a mix of Yellow and Red Steves. At least Nightmare treated them as though they were normal; Nightmare is considered a 'special' Steve, but anyone with different colors is considered special.

'How long does it take for them to get a few items?' Negative was getting inpatient though that was his nature.

Suddenly Negative heard yelling and screaming from an ally near him and decided to investigate. What he saw in that ally made his blood boil: a Red, Blue and Green Steve were beating up a small Red Steve.

"How do you like that weakling?!" The Green said as he kick the small one causing him to whimper.   

"P-Please s-stop" He begged but that only got him a kick in the gut.

"What are you going to do? Beat us up? Ha!" The Red Steve spat.

The Green was about to punch the small Red when someone grab his fist. When he turned, he turned three shades lighter.

Negative glared at the Green before he punch him and knocking him out.

"Grant!" The Blue Steve yelled and went by his friend's side. Meanwhile, the Red glared at Negative, he was about to fight when the Blue told him not to.

"Ring don't!"

"Why shouldn't I Blake!?" Ring growled

"He hurt Grant, we need to go now"

"I would listen to your friend" Negative gritted his teeth.

Ring said nothing as he help Blake carry their friend though not before Negative gave them a warning.

"If you hurt him again, I will find you and you wouldn't like that" Negative leaned down to the small Red Steve.

"We won't, not anymore" Blake said before the three walk off.

Negative look at the Steve's injuries when the Steve woke up.

"W-What?" He ask. When he look up at Negative, he whimpered in fear.

"I won't hurt you" Negative said gently as he help the Steve sit up.

"Th-Thanks..." The Red Steve trailed off.

"Negative" He said as he started to heal the smaller on

"O-Oh! You-you're-"

"Don't kid" Negative growled.

"S-Sorry" The Steve look down, "I-I'm Red"

"So you're a prime" Negative said.

Red nodded. No more words were exchange between the two as Negative finishes healing Red. The mix Steve got up and held out a hand for Red to take. Red blushed and accepted the hand. Though nether of them count for Red being so light that he collided into Negative's chest who held him steady. 

"S-Sorry" Red said sheepishly. When he look up he sees how tall Negative is compared to him.

Negative just stared into Red's eyes, almost getting lost in them, "It's fine"

The next thing Red knew was Negative picking him up bridal style and started to carry him out of the ally. 

Red wrap his arms around Negative's neck out of fear, "N-Negative?"

"I healed most of you're injuries, but you still need to go to the hospital" Negative said. He then whispered into Red's ear, "Besides this gives me a reason to hold you"

Red's face flushed dark red as he hid his face into Negative's chest though embarrassed he couldn't help but to smile. Being in Negative's arms made him feel safe and the way he acts like a teddy bear made him want to cuddle him even more.

After taking Red to the hospital, Negative carried him back where Nightmare and an angry Positive were. Positive was about to yell when he notice the smile on his brother's face and carrying a Red Steve in his arms and knew Negative had a good reason to be late. And after 10 minutes of Positive fan girling, Negative kissed his Red-bear - on the cheek - making his brother faint. 

Let's just say Negative had to got to the hospital twice that day.


Word count: 690

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