God09 Part 2

437 5 1

Requested by Mightymiss

Hope this was okay.

Sometimes I add lyrics from songs in my stories, fun fact.


Once the two were finished eating, Shark went to wash the dishes; he was still embarrassed to what GS said to him before they ate. He was worried that GS thought he was weird, weirder than he believed. Out of everyone he met in this world, GS was one of the few that Shark trusted and call him a friend - though he wanted to be more - without worrying that he would turn his back on him. Fear ran through Shark's body thinking that the Steve would not only reject his feelings, but no longer consider him a friend.

Meanwhile, GS watch as Shark wash the dishes, he found it cute how the human blushed the whole time they ate. Since he met the boy, GS developed a liking to him and kept a watchful eye on him. As GS watch Shark, he noticed that the human was shaking then grabbed the counter, letting a sign. Worried yet curious, GS walk over to Shark. Once GS was behind him - Shark hasn't noticed - he wrapped his arms around Shark's waist and put his head on the other's shoulder making Shark flinch.

"G-GS?" Shark stuttered.

"You okay Shark? You're shaking"

"I-I'm f-fine" Shark felt as though his heart would burst from his chest.

"You're face is red" GS smirk, "Are you going to tell me it's because of the sun or"

GS turned Shark around so they were face to face.

"are you going to tell me why you are blushing?"

Shark bit his lip and looked away from GS.

"It's n-nothing"

"May I remind you I've been alive for a long time Shark." GS chuckled, "and aren't we friends? You can trust me"

"I-I was just th-thinking a-about someone I l-like and a-afraid of them r-rejecting me" Shark half-lied.

"Who would reject you?" GS asked in confusion.

Shark let out a half hearted laugh, "A lot"

"Who is it that you have feelings for?"

When Shark didn't answer, used one hand to turn his head so GS could see the human's face fully.

"Tell me Shark, maybe I can help"

"You can't" Shark mumbled.

"Why not?"

"Because I like you!" Shark blurted out, he felt his cheeks warm up.

"You do?"

"Y-Yes" Shark closed his eyes, ready to get rejected.

"You are shaking more, why are you scared?"

"Aren't you going to reject and leave me?" 

GS shook his head and smiled, "Like I said, who would reject you? You are cute, very caring and a whole bunch of other things"

If Shark's cheeks could get any redder, they did.

"Do you l-like me?"

"Does this answer your question?" Before Shark could question it, GS placed his lips on Shark's.

After a few moments, Shark started to kiss back and then wrap his around GS' neck. Things soon got heated. The Steve picked up Shark's legs which he wrapped around his (GS) waist. Then GS placed Shark on the counter. Not once did they break the kiss which, at this point, Shark was getting extremely light headed. When GS pulled away, Shark was panting for air and had a daze look in his eyes.

"Shark" GS rubbed the human's cheek, in response, Shark tilted his head to the side, revealing more of his neck which the Steve grinned.

Accepting the invitation, GS started nibble the exposed skin making Shark let out soft moans until he found a spot that made his tense up. 

"G-GS" Shark moaned when the Steve bit the spot, but not mark him.

GS pulled away and smiled at Shark, "I'll ask again, does that answer your question?"

Shark didn't answer, he only brought GS into another kiss which the older happily accepted, he even brought Shark closer, deepening the kiss. They separated so Shark could breath.

"Y-Yes" Shark panted and pulled himself closer to GS so now their chests were touching.

GS smiled and ran a hand through Shark's brown hair, "You're an angel in disguise you know, but you are my angel"

Shark didn't say anything and nuzzled his head in GS' neck.


Word count:

Requests remaining: 22

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